Yup, we said it. 2025. It’s time to talk about next year. Can you believe it?! Our 2025 Spring course offering is officially here. Whether you are a casual explorer looking to pick up some new skills or ideas, an avid learner curious about short-term programs, a focused leader targeting your specific ministry role, or a traditional student pursuing your degree, we’ve got something for everyone!
SPRING A TERM (Begins Wednesday, January 8 and Ends Tuesday, March 4)
BIB105 Old Testament Survey (Dr. Jesse Joyner)
BIB304 Old Testament Poetic Literature (Dr. Taehyun Lee)
BIB320 Old and New Testament Apocalyptic Literature (Dr. Taehyun Lee)
COM201 Church Communications (Faculty TBD)
ENG101 Grammar and Composition (Professor Christopher Liverman)
ENG105 Academic Writing and Critical Research (Dr. Ron DeBerry)
GEN102 Orientation and Library Resources (Dr. Ron DeBerry)
HIS220 History of the Christian Church (Dr. Don Kammer)
LAN201 Intro to New Testament Greek (Dr. Russell Joyner) *ONLINE HYBRID COURSE
MIN112 Relational Outreach and Personal Evangelism (Pastor Kevin Willis)
MIN275 Non-Profit Financial Management (Professor Jamé Bolds)
MIN330 Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry (Dr. Holden Lane)
MIN340 Children and Worship (Professor Yancy Richmond)
MIN342 How Remarkable Women Lead: A Breakthrough Model for Work and Life (Rev. Debbie Gillispie)
MIN362 Church and Law (Professor Gary Butler)
MIS220 The Biblical and Theological Basis for Missions and Contemporary Issues (Dr. Todd Korpi)
PRA210 Musical Instrument Practicum (Professor Karen Clark)
PSY341 Psychology of Personality (Dr. Regina Okine)
THE212 Theology I: Spirit-Empowered Theology (Professor Martin Monacell)
THE301 Theology II: Word and Doctrine (Professor Martin Monacell)
WOR201 The Heart of a Worshipper (Professor Karen Clark)
WOR330 History of Renewal Worship (Professor Karen Clark)
*General Ministry Practicums I-VI and Psychology Practicums I-II will also be offered, beginning in Spring A and running for 16 weeks.
*BIB215 Luke and Acts is an in-person hybrid course that will meet on Thursdays at 5:30 PM at Word of Life International Church. Students who cannot attend the mandatory weekly meetups in person are welcome to join via Zoom.
*LAN201 Intro to New Testament Greek is an online hybrid course with a mandatory weekly Zoom meeting on Thursdays at 5:30 PM.

Ascent College will be closed between our Spring A and Spring B terms for Spring Break from March 5 through March 11. Mark your calendars!
SPRING B TERM (Begins Wednesday, March 12 and Ends Tuesday, May 6)
BIB110 New Testament Survey (Faculty TBD)
BIB150 Hermeneutics I (Dr. Jesse Joyner)
BIB303 Old Testament Historical Literature (Dr. Boniface Odong)
BIB315 The General Epistles (Dr. Taehyun Lee)
GEN401 Senior Seminar and Career Preparedness (Dr. Ron DeBerry)
HUM301 Contemporary Moral Issues (Dr. Jacob Al Hassan)
MAT115 Elements of Mathematics (Dr. Karina Negron)
MIN103 Spiritual Formation I (Dr. Ron DeBerry)
MIN212 Personal Christian Ethics (Professor Mark Ackerman)
MIN244 Biblical Theology of Women in Leadership: Why Not Women? (Dr. Anna Morgan)
MIN245 Principles of Christian Leadership Development (Professor Patrick Grach)
MIN264 Apologetics (Dr. Taehyun Lee)
MIN293 Digital Cultures and Community (Dr. Todd Korpi)
MIN301 Leadership Theory and Practice (Dr. Brandon Pardekooper)
MIN343 Discipleship Strategy in Youth Ministry (Professor Mark Freeman)
MIN459 Leadership Development in Children’s Ministry (Professor Brian Dollar)
MIN465 Accessibility and Inclusivity for Children and Youth with Disabilities (Dr. Patricia Arnold)
MIS105 Missions in the Local Church (aka Equipping for the Harvest) (Dr. Robert Shipley)
MIS303 Cross-Cultural Anthropology (Dr. Diane McGehee)
PSY202 Introduction to Psychology and Christian Counseling (Professor Nina Angeles) *HYBRID COURSE AT WORD OF LIFE EXTENSION SITE
PSY371 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy (Dr. Regina Okine)
SCI101 Life Science (Dr. Karina Negron)
SOC400 Marriage and Family (Professor Luisa Castro)
THE230 Eschatology (Professor Martin Monacell)
WOR203 Role of a Worship Leader (Professor Karen Clark)
WOR405 Musicianship I: Fundamental Awareness (Professor Karen Clark)
*PSY202 Introduction to Psychology and Christian Counseling is an in-person hybrid course that will meet at 5:30 PM on Mondays at Word of Life International Church. Students who cannot attend the mandatory weekly meetups in person are welcome to join via Zoom.
If you’re a current Ascent student, you’ll be hearing from your academic advisor soon to coordinate your Spring plans. Make sure not to wait until the last minute! Not an Ascent student YET? (See what we did there?) Remember, Ascent College has rolling admissions, so if the Spirit is nudging, we are standing by and ready to help you take that first step. Our Director of Admissions, Amy Barney, is standing by to set you up for success. All are welcome! All ages and all walks of life, working parents, ministry leaders, lifelong learners…we believe in God’s call on your life. There is something for everyone here at Ascent College. You belong. Let’s do this!