Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Leadership (BAML)
The four-year traditional Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Leadership degree program is designed to prepare students for leadership positions in a chosen field of ministry. The program not only equips students academically but is also designed to prepare students spiritually and practically with various Christian service requirements and mentoring opportunities.
Program Details
4 Years
Bachelor Degree
Courses Needed
All students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Leadership degree at Ascent College must complete the below listed General Education (42 credits) and General Ministry (42 credits) course requirements in addition to their selected concentration (credits varied), for a combined total of at least 120 credit hours completed overall.
General Education Requirements (42 Credits)
All students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Leadership degree path at Ascent College will be required to complete the following general education requirements.
GEN102 Orientation and Library Research (0 credits)
This course is required for every student enrolling in Ascent College in any program, taken in the first eight-week session of classes alongside other courses. This course orients students with college life and academics, and provides access and training for using Ascent College study tools and resources.
COM101 Speech Communication (3 credits)
This course is a study and practice in communicating ideas competently in public speaking. Students are also given a foundation for the development of communication contexts, including dyadic and small-group communication.
ENG101 Grammar and Composition (3 credits)
This course is a comprehensive study of English grammar designed to remedy deficiencies in the knowledge and correct use of the English language.
ENG102 Composition and Literature (3 credits)
This course is a culmination of English fundamentals with emphasis on the finer points of writing through the correct use of all grammatical procedures.
ENG105 Academic Writing and Critical Research (3 credits)
Prerequisite: ENG101
This course will focus on the fundamentals of academic writing with the goal of sharpening students’ critical thinking and writing skills, with special attention to reasoning, formulating, and developing arguments and explanations. Attention will also be paid to handling the citing of sources.
MAT115 Elements of Mathematics (3 credits)
A survey course including a review of algebra and an introduction to logic, probability and statistics, mathematical structure, problem-solving, number theory, geometry, and consumer applications.
SCI101 Life Science (3 credits)
This course explores the fundamental characteristics of living matter from the molecular level to the ecological community with emphasis on general biological principles. Develops a basic understanding of plant and animal form, function, and relationships.
HIS220 History of the Christian Church (3 credits)
This course is a study of the expansion and growth of the Church through a concentrated examination of key historical movements of revival and renewal within the history of Christianity.
PSY202 Intro to Psychology and Christian Counseling (3 credits)
This class is designed to introduce students to the field as a scientific discipline concerned with the study of behavior and expose them to basic counseling techniques and theoretical approaches to counseling. It also provides an overview of the counseling process with the intent of experiencing the counselor’s role in the counseling process. Consideration will be given to such topics as human development, motivation, emotion, perception, learning, personality, intelligence, measurement, and applied areas.
MIS303 Cross-Cultural Anthropology (3 credits)
This course is designed to give an understanding of the cultural implications associated with ministry in and to people of another culture in order to communicate Christ more effectively and reach them with the Gospel.
HUM301 Contemporary Moral Issues (3 credits)
This course explores current issues affecting both American society and the international community from a Christian perspective. It includes topics such as the Christian response to current events and politics, Christians in government, civil responsibility, and social action.
COM201 Church Communications (3 credits)
This course introduces students to principles of effective church communications and digital discipleship and provides an awareness of the resources and tools required to do it well. Students learn how to leverage the various social media platforms for digital ministry purposes.
SOC400 Marriage and Family (3 credits)
This course reviews the application of sociological and Biblical approaches to the study of marriage and family. This course examines mate selection, marriage, life course, and functions of the family, as well as changing patterns of family life in contemporary American society.Â
MIN275 Non-Profit Financial Management (3 credits)
This course provides an understanding of how to manage a Christian nonprofit organization, including best practices for donor development, banking, hiring employees, capital campaigns, and budgets. In addition, it provides a Biblical theology of financial stewardship.
LAN201 Intro to New Testament Greek (3 credits)
*Note: This course includes a mandatory weekly virtual meeting with the professor.
This is a basic course introducing students to the rudiments of Koine Greek. Designed to help students in the use of various study tools and/or to prepare them for more advanced study of the Biblical languages.
GEN401 Senior Seminar and Career Preparedness (0 credits)
In this course, students process their transition out of Ascent College with a bachelor’s degree. This course serves as a capstone for the senior student completing their required program. It is designed to prepare the student for entry into the Christian professional arena through systematic reflection upon their practical and academic experiences. The course requires the student to formulate a professional portfolio to include a comprehensive visionary plan.
General Ministry Requirements (42 credits)
All students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Leadership degree path at Ascent College will be required to complete the following general ministry requirements.
BIB400 Bible Review III (0 credits)
This course is a Bible review course designed to prepare graduating students in the bachelor’s degree program for passing the Bible Knowledge exam required for graduation.
BIB105 Old Testament Survey (3 credits)
This course is a study of the nature, contents, and history of the Old Testament, providing an overview of its background and key themes.
BIB110 New Testament Survey (3 credits)
This course is a study of the nature, contents, and history of the New Testament, providing an overview of its background and key themes.
BIB150 Hermeneutics I (3 credits)
The practice of the principles of inductive Bible study with a focus on asking and answering interpretative questions of the Biblical text and on the application of the truths gained in Bible study in the preparation of sermons or lessons.
BIB215 Luke and Acts (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIB110Â
This course examines the narratives of Luke as he engages the person and ministry of Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the nature and work of the Church in the book of Luke and Acts.
BIB313 Pauline Epistles (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIB110
This course is a study of the letters of Paul with special emphasis given to the historical background, his journeys, style, and distinctive themes of each book.
THE230 Eschatology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIB150
This course is a study of prophetic and apocalyptic literature in Scripture and how we use it to establish Eschatology, a theology of end times. The primary focus will be thinking eschatologically and how this shapes our Christian living in the present.
MIN103 Spiritual Formation I (3 credits)
This course builds a foundational process to encourage spiritual growth and renewal in one’s daily relationship with God. Biblical principles of spiritual growth and development will be examined.
MIN104 Spiritual Formation II (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MIN103
This course is a comprehensive, integrated study of the Biblical meaning and theology of spirituality; the historical development of and the contemporary practice of spirituality that encompasses Christian faith, life, and ministry. The traditional streams of Christian spirituality will be examined by reading,r reflection, and discussion of the Christian classic writings.
MIN112 Relational Outreach and Personal Evangelism (3 credits)
This course is a study of the principles of evangelism and the development of a personal lifestyle of one-on-one evangelism in the context of personal relationships.
MIN212 Personal Christian Ethics (3 credits)
This course is a study in theological and Biblical foundations of Christian morality with a specific study of ethics in ministry. Selected contemporary moral issues will be examined in the light of Biblical teachings.
MIN245 Principles of Christian Leadership Development (3 credits)
This course is a study and application of leadership development principles and strategies in the growth and exercise of Biblical leadership, focusing on personal development first. Students learn leadership from the second chair and how to identify and develop other leaders. Includes modules on relationships, ethics, and conflict resolution in a ministry context.
THE212 Theology I: Spirit-Empowered Theology (3 credits)
What is theology, where does theology come from, why are Christians called to theologize, and how does the Holy Spirit empower all of this? This course will focus on how we craft theology and utilize the theological method to further discipleship and ministry.
THE301 Theology II: Word and Doctrine (3 credits)
Prerequisite: THE212
What defines Christianity, what are the core doctrines of the Christian faith, and how do we systematically develop beliefs from the Word of God? This course will cover doctrines of Scripture, Creation, Sin, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, the Church, and the Last Things.
MIS220 The Biblical and Theological Basis for Missions and Contemporary Issues (3 credits)
This introductory course consists of an in-depth study of the mission of God and God’s heart for the nations, as revealed in the entirety of the Biblical text. Missions and the interpretation of Scripture within the Bible are analyzed in terms of history, culture, philosophy, and the progressive development of Biblical theology as new cultures and peoples were engaged by Israel and the Church. The application of Biblical missiology to the contemporary world is evaluated in light of the modes of missions and ministry evidenced in the Bible. Emphasis includes mobilizing and personalizing missions in the local church and the life of every believer.
Ascent College offers nine areas of concentration for those seeking a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Leadership.
Each concentration adds a varied amount of required credits to fully satisfy the degree requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Leadership. All students must select an area of concentration in pursuit of their degree.
Biblical Studies Concentration
Graduates in the Biblical Studies concentration will be able to:Â
- Identify the unique contributions of each biblical book and recognize the purpose, style, and form of each biblical genre.Â
- Contextualize Scripture for daily Christian living.Â
- Develop a lifestyle of personal study of the Scriptures in order to promote growth, ministry to others, and a positive influence on culture.
- Demonstrate an ability to comprehend and construct sound Christian theology.Â
- Properly exegete any passage of Scripture.Â
- Demonstrate an ability to apply biblical teaching in the development of Christian ethics.Â
- Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of core Christian theology, philosophy, and values.
Concentration Courses (40 credits)
MIN264 Apologetics (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MIN110
This course is a philosophical study of the Christian faith as it is related to secular humanism with emphasis on the deity of Christ, the incarnation, substitutionary death, and physical resurrection. Attention will be given to practical, everyday application.
BIB210 Life and Teachings of Christ (2 credits)
Prerequisite: BIB110
This course is a study of the biography and teachings of Jesus Christ as distinctly presented in each of the Gospels, focusing on the theological and practical teachings of Jesus.
BIB214 The Book of Romans (2 credits)
Prerequisite: BIB110
This course is an exegetical exposition of the book of Romans, with special attention given to the major themes of the book and aspects of practical Christianity.
BIB303 Old Testament Historical Literature (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIB105
This course is an analysis of the second section of the canon known as the “historical books:” Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.
BIB304 Old Testament Poetic Literature (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIB105
This course is a study of poetry in the Old Testament with special emphasis on Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Solomon.
BIB305 Old Testament Prophetic Literature (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIB105
This course is an inductive study of the messages and messengers of one or more of the major prophetic books of the Old Testament: Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.
BIB315 The General Epistles (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIB110
This course is an analytical study of the letters of James, Peter, John, and Jude, with special emphasis given to the historical background, structure, and distinctive teachings of each book.
BIB320 Old Testament and New Testament Apocalyptic Literature (3 credits)
Prerequisites: BIB10 and BIB110
This course is a study of the apocalyptic literature of the Old Testament and the New Testament and the nature of apocalyptic literature. Special emphasis given to the apocalyptic literature of Daniel and Revelation.
BIB450 Hermeneutics II (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIB150
This course is an advanced study of the principles of inductive Bible study with a focus on asking and answering interpretative questions of the Biblical text and on the application of the truths gained in Bible study in the preparation of sermons or lessons.
THE401 Theology III: History of Christian Theology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: THE212 and THE301
How has God used theologians throughout history to form and refine Christianity, and why does this theology still matter today? This course will introduce you to the writing of some of the significant theologians who have shaped Christian belief from the time of Jesus until now.
PRA200 Practicum II (3 credits)
PRA304 Practicum III (3 credits)
PRA306 Practicum IV (3 credits)
Children's Ministry Leadership Concentration
Graduates in the Children’s Ministry Leadership concentration will be able to:
- Perform professional children’s ministry functions at the introductory level.Â
- Apply child developmental theories to children’s ministry practices.Â
- Compose and clearly communicate and contextualize the Gospel in biblically sound teaching to children.Â
- Demonstrate Christian leadership principles and effective administrative skills in children’s ministry positions and settings.Â
- Develop mentorship relationships with local church ministry practitioners.Â
- Apply Biblical theology to pastoring families and children.Â
- Explain the spiritual and practical dynamics of children’s ministry and apply best practices in context.
Concentration Courses (37 credits)
MIN250 Introduction to Children’s Ministry (3 credits)
This course covers the fundamentals of leading ministry with children in the local church context.
MIN340 Children and Worship (3 credits)
This course focuses on leading children and children’s leaders into a deeper understanding of worship, including music, the creative arts, prayer, worship response stations, and leading children in the ways of Pentecostal/charismatic worship styles.
PSY351 Developmental Theory for Children (3 credits)
This course focuses on sociological, psychological, and spiritual developmental theories that help inform ministering to children and youth.
MIN356 Teaching and Learning in Children’s Ministry (3 credits)
This course focuses on pedagogy: how children learn and how to effectively teach the Bible and theology to young people.
MIN380 Camp Ministry (2 credits)
This course will explore the fundamentals of Christian camp and retreat ministry. Students will learn the foundational principles that undergird Christian camp ministry best practices. This includes the themes of relationship-building, unplugging, faith-focused formational experiences, learning through outdoor activities, and topics around physical, social, and spiritual safety.
MIN450 Intergenerational Ministry (2 credits)
This course will explore the emerging topic of intergenerational ministry. Students will learn what it means for a congregation to think and act in ways that bring various age groups together in worship, learning, and outreach. This includes themes of reciprocity in community, understanding generational differences and similarities, and creativity in thinking and living intergenerationally in the life of the congregation.
MIN459 Leadership Development in Children’s Ministry (3 credits)
This course focuses on developing teams, volunteers, and children in leadership and developing the self as a leader in children’s ministry.
MIN481 Pastoral Care of Children (1 credit)
This course will explore the basic skills of ministering to children in pastoral care contexts. This includes prayer counseling, hospital visits, baptism preparation, funerals, and other specialized pastoral care needs.
MIN465 Accessibility and Inclusivity for Children with Disabilities (2 credits)
This course will explore how ministry leaders can best serve children and youth with disabilities. Students will learn about the various experiences of young people with physical, neurological, and other disabilities and how to design children’s church environments that provide inclusivity, accessibility, and growth for young people with disabilities.
PRA100 Practicum I (3 credits)
PRA200 Practicum II (3 credits)
PRA304 Practicum III (3 credits)
PRA306 Practicum IV (3 credits)
PRA401 Practicum V (3 credits)
Christian Counseling With a Pastoral Ministry Focus
Graduates in the Christian Counseling concentration with a focus in Pastoral Ministry will be able to:
- Demonstrate competence in the basic terminology and concepts of psychology and counseling.Â
- Articulate the Biblical and theological basis of Christian Counseling.Â
- Describe and recognize trauma responses.Â
- Perform pastoral care functions at the introductory level.Â
- Analyze cultural and social issues in pastoral care.Â
- Guide others through conflict resolutions.Â
- Provide support and describe the grieving process.Â
- Develop mentorship relationships with psychology practitioners.
Concentration Courses (36 credits)
COUN203 Issues in Christian Counseling (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSY202
This course helps students become knowledgeable about the inner conflicts and insecurities faced by those being counseled. It teaches the different aspects of physiology, theology, and sin to help establish the connections needed to counsel individuals.
COUN303 Christian Counseling for Marriage and Family (3 credits)
This course considers the dynamics of marriage and family relationships from a systems perspective. It emphasizes the Christian counseling perspective in understanding family and other systems theories, the structure and function of marriage, various aspects of the marital relationship and family systems, and models of family and systemic interventions.
PSY205 Social Psychology and Cultural Issues in Counseling (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSY202
This course explores the scientific study of how the thoughts, feelings, and actions of a person are influenced by personal interactions, experiences, and social situations. It also examines counseling religiously and culturally diverse populations through a psychological and Christian lens. It emphasizes the need for counselors to understand the multiplicity of culture and change their counseling technique accordingly. Topics include the self, beliefs, attitudes, individual and group behavior, and relationships.
COUN350 Grief and Trauma Counseling (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSY202
This course will provide training to help students develop skills to deal with the issues of trauma, death, grief, and loss. It examines the Biblical view of trauma, grief, death, and dying. It offers a cognitive and pragmatic investigation of the skills necessary to address a wide variety of crisis counseling situations.
COUN400 Conflict Resolution Counseling (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSY202
This course will investigate a Biblical and practical understanding of conflict. It analyzes the conflict cycle and styles of conflict management and intervention strategies to help students comprehend how to use conflict for positive change.
PSY371 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy (3 credits)
This class introduces the major schools of counseling and psychotherapy. It investigates the topics of theoretical orientation to the field of psychotherapy, the underlying theory and assumptions of each approach, and instruction on how to use and interpret the psychological tests frequently used to facilitate counseling and psychotherapy.
PRA102 Counseling Practicum I (3 credits)
PRA202 Counseling Practicum II (3 credits)
Elective from Psychology Focus I (3 credits)
Elective from Psychology Focus II (3 credits)
Elective from Psychology Focus III (3 credits)
Elective from Psychology Focus IV (3 credits)
Elective from Psychology Focus V (3 credits)
Christian Counseling With a Psychology Focus
Graduates in the Christian Counseling concentration with a focus in Psychology will be able to:
- Demonstrate competence in the basic terminology and concepts of psychology and counseling.Â
- Analyze behaviors against personality theories.Â
- Describe human development.Â
- Perform pastoral care functions at the introductory level.Â
- Analyze developmental and psychological patterns.Â
- Communicate effectively using appropriate research style and methods.Â
- Articulate the Biblical and theological basis of Christian Counseling.Â
- Develop mentorship relationships with psychology practitioners.
Concentration Courses (36 credits)
PSY205 Social Psychology and Cultural Issues in Counseling (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSY202
This course explores the scientific study of how the thoughts, feelings, and actions of a person are influenced by personal interactions, experiences, and social situations. It also examines counseling religiously and culturally diverse populations through a psychological and Christian lens. It emphasizes the need for counselors to understand the multiplicity of culture and change their counseling technique accordingly. Topics include the self, beliefs, attitudes, individual and group behavior, and relationships.
PSY310 Lifespan Development (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSY202
An introductory course that focuses on the development of people from childhood to senior adulthood. Emphasis will be placed on the psychological and developmental issues that occur in the physical, cognitive, and social domains of each age group (childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and senior adulthood).
PSY341 Psychology of Personality (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSY202
This course reviews the basic concepts and principles of the major theories of personality. It also assesses the scientific worth and validity of these theories and includes case studies that show how they apply to the treatment of psychological disorders. Detailed descriptions of healthy and unhealthy personality types will be stressed. Students will be challenged to evaluate their personality as it relates to the theory being presented.
PSY354 Introduction to Statistics for Social Sciences (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MAT115
This course investigates descriptive and inferential statistics and introduces multiple techniques for statistical analysis. It explores formulas for presenting and evaluating data in accordance with generally accepted protocols for statistical analysis.
PSY355 Introduction to Research Methods (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSY354
This course introduces the foundations of research methodology, design, and analysis. It explores and evaluates the basic principles of qualitative and quantitative research. This curriculum focuses on understanding the results of statistical analysis as it applies to research.
PSY371 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy (3 credits)
This class introduces the major schools of counseling and psychotherapy. It investigates the topics of theoretical orientation to the field of psychotherapy, the underlying theory and assumptions of each approach, and instruction on how to use and interpret the psychological tests frequently used to facilitate counseling and psychotherapy.
PSY430 Abnormal Psychology (3 credits)
This course entails a study of the diagnosis, causes, treatment, and prevention of psychological disorders. Problems with the reliability and validity of the American Psychiatric Association system for diagnosing psychological disorders will be discussed, and various alternative systems will be introduced.
PRA101 Psychology Practicum I (3 credits)
PRA201 Psychology Practicum II (3 credits)
Elective from Pastoral Ministry Focus I (3 credits)
Elective from Pastoral Ministry Focus II (3 credits)
Elective from Pastoral Ministry Focus III (3 credits)
Intercultural Studies Concentration
Graduates in the Intercultural Studies concentration will be able to:
- Demonstrate a passion for local, regional, and global missions and a commitment to serve the people groups of the world.Â
- Articulate a missional theology that encourages all Christians to participate in missions.Â
- Describe the cross-cultural dynamics of missions and contextualize the salvation message to various target people groups.Â
- Develop strategies for evangelizing people groups of the world.Â
- Explain the spiritual, physical, educational, and financial preparation needed for missionaries.Â
- Explain the biblical, theological, and historical basis of missions.Â
- Describe the major religions of the world and be able to compare and contrast them with Christianity.Â
- Develop mentoring relationships with other missionaries.
Added Expense
The Intercultural Studies concentration includes a global missions component, requiring additional travel, both short and long-term, with related airfare, room, board, and any other expenses to be borne by the student in addition to all related tuition, academic fees, and book expenses.
Concentration Courses (36 credits)
MIS103 World Religions (3 credits)
This course is designed to equip students with an overview of various major world religions. This course seeks to stir a passion for communicating Christ more effectively and demonstrate the value of building bridges with people of other religions.
MIS105 Missions and the Local Church (3 credits)
This course will explore God’s missionary nature as revealed in His Word and lived out through His people. In doing so, this course will examine the overarching redemptive narrative of Scripture, the role of the local church as sender, the current state of world evangelization, and the missionary task as carried out by those who are sent.Â
*This course includes a mission trip/travel component.
MIS 301 History of Missions (3 credits)
Beginning with the New Testament Church, this course evaluates movements and leaders throughout missions history, providing a rubric and guide for present and future missionary endeavors. Special consideration focuses on the history of Assemblies of God and Pentecostal missions.
MIS302 The Missionary Call and Preparation (3 credits)
This course is a study of the motive, objective, call, qualifications, and opportunities for missionaries today, with particular attention to the practical issues of personal, spiritual, and administrative preparation for missionary service.
MIS305 Introduction to Urban Missions (3 credits)
This course is an examination of the Biblical and theological basis for urban missions and Biblical perspectives on urban issues such as poverty, leadership, and globalization.
MIS405 Leadership and Strategy in Missions (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MIN240
This course addresses the theological and strategic issues related to personal and indigenous church leadership development from a Pentecostal perspective, with special attention to spiritual formation, moral issues, social/organizational structures in a missional context, and cross-cultural church planting movements.
MIS410 Contextualized Theology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: THE212 and THE301
Contextual theology and the process of contextualization relate to the knowledge of God, an unchanging God who reveals himself uniquely within specific contexts. God assures authentic knowledge of Himself through His action in missio Dei. Guided by the Holy Spirit, God’s missionary people communicate Gospel truth in an ever-changing world. This course explores the ways in which culture intersects with and informs the task of theology and examines both the theoretical and practical aspects of contextualization as related to Biblical interpretations, theology, missiology, and leadership development. Contextualization is reviewed and evaluated in terms of its bearing on the communication of the Gospel, the varied expressions of the Christian faith, and its spread in various cultural settings.
MIS421 Contemporary Mission Issues (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MIS302
This course takes a Pentecostal approach to the unique challenges and opportunities facing missionaries today. Spirit-empowered missiological thinking, grounded in Biblical truth, is applied to diverse contemporary missions issues to assist the church and the missionary to communicate Christ to the world.
PRA100 Practicum I (3 credits)
PRA200 Practicum II (3 credits)
PRA312 Missions Practicum (3 credits)
A practical ministry project that provides mentored ministry experience through a cross-cultural missionary experience in another national context, integrating cross-cultural ministry, learning, leadership, and spiritual development in a practical ministry setting.Â
*This course includes a mission trip/travel component.
Digital Ministry Concentration
Graduates in the Digital Ministry concentration will be able to:
- Articulate theories and methods for effective digital ministry.Â
- Demonstrate effective skills for digital ministry.Â
- Embody a commitment to digital ministry that emerges from their own spiritual development.
Concentration Courses (36 credits)
MIS107 Introduction to Digital Missiology (3 credits)
This course covers a broad overview of basic ministry implications in digital space, including anthropology, community development, and digital ecclesiology. This will include an exploration of digital environments as destinations of missional engagement.
MIN293 Digital Cultures and Communities (3 credits)
This course explores how culture is formed online and the cosmology of digital environments. It introduces digital cultures and UdPGs (e.g., gamer and fandom cultures, etc.). Students will learn practices for digital exegesis.
MIN390 Digital Hospitality (3 credits)
This course examines the urgent need to cultivate digitally hospitable Christians and explores how hospitality functions in digital evangelism and discipleship. Students will learn skills for discipling others into rhythms of digital hospitality.
MIN393 Evangelism and Discipleship in the Digital Age (3 credits)
This course examines opportunities for evangelism in the digital age and models of discipleship in online spaces with online tools.
MIN395 Contemporary Issues in Digital Ministry (3 credits)
This course explores emerging issues in digital ministry, including Web 3.0, livestreaming and digital churches, data stewardship, and integrity. Students will learn skills for using digital technology.
MIN490 AI Ethics and Ministry Implications (3 credits)
This course explores AI as an emerging field, considering issues of ethics and anthropology, as well as implications for ministry. Students will learn strategies for AI usage in ministry settings.
MIN495 Principles for Digital Church Planting and Multiplication (3 credits)
This course applies principles of digital ministry to digitally specific considerations in church planting. This includes launching digital-only and digital-first churches, digital church planting in restrictive contexts, building launch teams with internet tech, and launching online campuses.
PRA100 Practicum I (3 credits)
PRA200 Practicum II (3 credits)
PRA304 Practicum III (3 credits)
PRA350 Digital Ministry Practicum IV (3 credits)
PRA410 Digital Ministry Practicum V (3 credits)
PRA430 Digital Ministry Practicum VI (3 credits)
Youth Ministry Leadership Concentration
Graduates in the Youth Ministry Leadership concentration will be able to:
- Perform professional youth ministry functions at the introductory level.Â
- Explain the spiritual and practical dynamics of youth ministry and apply best practices in context.Â
- Apply developmental theories to youth ministry practices.Â
- Develop mentorship relationships with local church ministry practitioners.Â
- Demonstrate Christian leadership principles and effective administrative skills in youth ministry positions and settings.Â
- Apply Biblical theology to pastoring young people and their families.
Concentration Courses (36 credits)
MIN330 Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry (3 credits)
This course lays a foundation for being a Gospel-centered leader, creating a Gospel-centered culture, having good theology on suffering, and creating Biblical literacy and Gospel fluency in leaders and students.Â
MIN343 Discipleship Strategy in Youth Ministry (3 credits)
This course contributes to forming a philosophy of ministry where students view all of life as discipleship and understand a definition of discipleship. Students learn to leverage all ministry environments for discipleship, develop a culture of disciples making other disciples, and the role of the Gospel in discipleship.
MIN322 Understanding Adolescent Culture (3 credits)
This course helps students be savvy about technology and social media, how to address mental and emotional health matters for adolescents, leading in a post-truth world, and knowing how to exegete culture and use God’s truth to address it.Â
MIN412 Youth Ministry in the Local Church (3 credits)
This course helps train youth leaders to understand their part in a larger church-wide discipleship strategy by being a team player, supporting the vision of another, and working with other ministries. This course trains students to equip parents to be disciple-makers.
MIN422 Teaching a Biblical Worldview to Teenagers (3 credits)
This course trains students to understand and be able to teach on the basic building blocks of a Biblical worldview: there is a righteous Creator to whom we are accountable, the designer is the definer, God’s plan for human flourishing and freedom, what is means to be an image bearer, the Fall, the ongoing results of the Fall, God’s redemptive plan from beginning to end, the person and work of Jesus, the Lordship of Jesus, the mission of God, and the end of the story.
MIN472 Leadership Skills for Youth Ministry (3 credits)
This course provides students with the necessary administrative skills for youth ministry, including implementing and sustaining effective systems, necessary steps for recruiting and on-ramping new youth leaders, communicating with parents, planning out a preaching calendar, planning out an event calendar, and budget management.
PRA100 Practicum I (3 credits)
PRA200 Practicum II (3 credits)
PRA304 Practicum III (3 credits)
PRA306 Practicum IV (3 credits)
PRA401 Practicum V (3 credits)
PRA402 Practicum VI (3 credits)
Ministerial Leadership Concentration
Graduates in the Ministerial Leadership concentration will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and skill in effective writing by producing a competent piece of writing that interprets, analyzes, and evaluates statements, arguments, and evidence to construct well-supported, clearly articulated conclusions and positions that meet the requirements of standard English.
- Apply communication skills to various communication platforms, including oral communication and social media platforms.Â
- Recognize ancient biblical Greek languages at an introductory proficiency.Â
- Describe the background, content, and themes of selected biblical texts.Â
- Apply a biblical theology of the nature and mission of the Church into local church practices.Â
- Be able to grasp the biblical teachings concerning the nature and mission of the Church.Â
- Apply biblical principles that support spiritual, emotional, and relational health both personally and professionally.Â
- Develop fundamental skills in pastoral care and counseling and be able to integrate them into a practical ministry setting.Â
- Integrate theology and knowledge of church history with professional competency in the practice of ministry.Â
- Explain the spiritual and practical dynamics of ministry and apply best practices in context, demonstrating Christian leadership principles and effective administrative skills in various types of ministry positions and settings.Â
- Compose, clearly communicate, and contextualize the Gospel in biblically sound teaching to diverse audiences.Â
- Develop knowledge of and proficiency in navigating cross-cultural dynamics in ministry.Â
- Integrate ethical and Christian knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior into the practice of ministry.
Concentration Courses (36 credits)
MIN220 Homiletics (3 credits)
Prerequisite: BIB110
This course examines the application of the principles of inductive Bible study in the development of Biblical expository messages, both for sermons and teaching. Also includes a study of the theology, theory, and practice of preaching and teaching, with emphasis on expository preaching, as well as classroom methods for teaching.Â
MIN230 Pastoral Counseling (3 credits)
Prerequisite: PSY200
This course places emphasis on the development of basic skills in addressing people’s needs for emotional and spiritual healing through (1) basic analysis of people’s needs, (2) the use of the Bible in care and counseling, (3) acquiring skills in interpersonal relationships, and (4) utilizing resources in diagnosis and referral of pastoral care and Christian therapy.
MIN264 Apologetics (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MIN110
This course is a philosophical study of the Christian faith as it is related to secular humanism with emphasis on the deity of Christ, the incarnation, substitutionary death, and physical resurrection. Attention will be given to practical, everyday application.
MIN301 Leadership Theory and Practice (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MIN240
This course focuses on the theoretical development and challenges of effective leadership by reviewing the historical development of various leadership theories. This includes leader traits, skills, behaviors, models, and other approaches to leadership.
MIN362 Church and Law (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MIN270
This course is a study of the laws in various administrative areas affecting clergymen, religious institutions, and churches.
THE406 Pastoral Theology (3 credits)
Prerequisite: THE212 and THE301
This course is a study of the Biblical materials as they relate to pastoral ministry. The course includes an overview of the pastor’s call, the church’s call, the pastor’s personal life, general administrative duties, church community, district responsibilities, and Assembly of God polity.
PRA100 Practicum I (3 credits)
PRA200 Practicum II (3 credits)
PRA304 Practicum III (3 credits)
PRA306 Practicum IV (3 credits)
PRA401 Practicum V (3 credits)
PRA402 Practicum VI (3 credits)
Worship Leadership Concentration
Graduates in the Worship Leadership concentration will be able to:Â
- Demonstrate a passionate lifestyle of worship.Â
- Demonstrate an ability to lead worship in a variety of church settings.Â
- Provide leadership in a music or worship department in a local church setting.Â
- Follow the lead of the Holy Spirit in worship.Â
- Explain the biblical foundations for worship.Â
- Understand music fundamentals and demonstrate musical skills in musicianship.Â
- Integrate arts into the worship experience.Â
- Implement technology resources to enhance worship services.
Concentration Courses (39 credits)
WOR201 Heart of a Worshipper (3 credits)
To have a heart of worship and to be a leader of worship requires a lifestyle of daily worship. We can only lead where we have been. This course is designed to deepen the call and guard the passion of personal worship.
WOR203 The Role of the Worship Leader (3 credits)
This course is a study of the motive, objective, call, and qualifications for leading worship. It is designed to study the many and varied roles of a worship leader with special emphasis placed on the relationship between the worship leader and the lead pastor, other staff members, worship team vocalists/instrumentalists, the creative team, and the congregation.
WOR211 Technology for Worship I: Music Production (2 credits)
This course focuses on the training and application to enhance the production of creative worship settings utilizing midi, click tracks, in-ear monitors, music production, recording, and playback software. (Specialized technology required.)
WOR302 The Role of the Arts in Worship (3 credits)
This course is a study of how the arts (dance, drama, graphic/visual arts, media, poetry, spoken word, etc.) inform worship and how engaging with the arts forms worshippers. Drawing from the works of scholars and theologians, a framework for worship arts will be developed based on the belief that all art in worship should be seen as a vehicle for the formation of God’s people in Christ. Students will glean from discussions about the various ways in which the arts powerfully contribute to theological formation through aesthetics, logic, language, metaphor, conversations, and senses. Focus will be given on how the creative worship arts can enhance and impact corporate worship services today.
WOR310 Technology for Worship II: Live Stage Production (2 credits)
This course is designed to give practical training in systems and technology to support and enhance the worship environment. Students will gain a basic understanding of audio, lighting, media, video, and streaming components, along with core technologies and issues in copyright laws. (Hybrid course with a one-day in-person seminar for hands-on practice.)
WOR312 Leading a Worship Ministry (3 credits)
This course is a study of the practical issues involved in planning and facilitating creative corporate worship. Application is made to practical issues of corporate worship, administration, assembling and training a team, rehearsal techniques, worship planning, special services/ordinances of the church, staging, and incorporating creative aspects.
WOR330 History of Renewal Worship (3 credits)
This course is a study of the history of worship and the working of the Holy Spirit from the Old Testament, the Tabernacle, and the early church through the modern period. Emphasis is given to changes in worship practices resulting from the Reformation, the Great Awakenings, revival movements, large evangelistic crusades of the 1940s-1950s, the Jesus Movement, praise and worship movement through to the worship culture of today.
WOR340 Basic Conducting (2 credits)
A rudimentary course in conducting techniques for traditional and non-traditional settings. Knowledge and skills areas addressed include basic conducting gestures and patterns, score interpretation, rehearsal management and technique, programming considerations, and insight into navigating vocal and instrumental issues.
WOR405 Musicianship I: Fundamental Awareness (2 credits)
This course is an introduction to the rudiments of music and theoretical concepts through practical experience with notation, meter, key signatures, scales, intervals, and chord structures. (No previous music background required.)
WOR406 Musicianship II: Working Knowledge (2 credits)
Prerequisite: WOR405
This course provides further study of musical rudiments and theoretical concepts, including visual/aural training, musical analysis, transposition, progressions, basic form, and composition methods.
WOR407 Musicianship III: Skills for Worship Leaders (2 credits)
Prerequisite: WOR401 and WOR402
This course is a practical application of harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic principles in worship music. Special attention is given to the Nashville Number System and jazz harmony practices to understand chord construction and progressions as the foundation for crafting charts, compositions, and arrangements for worship services.Â
PRA100 Practicum I (3 credits)
PRA203 Musical Instrument Practicum (3 credits)
PRA310 Worship Team Practicum (3 credits)
PRA402 Vocal Skills Practicum (3 credits)
Join us in preparing ministry leaders to make a lasting impact for God.
Learn how you can become a part of the Ascent College community, where we equip passionate individuals to grow spiritually, lead effectively, and make a lasting impact for Christ. Join us in our mission to prepare leaders who transform their world.

Speak with our Director of Admissions
Ascent College is accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation (5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Ste. 130, Orlando, FL 32822, 407.207.0808) to grant certificates and degrees at the Associate and Baccalaureate levels.
Ascent College offers accredited higher education at a tuition rate of $350/credit hour. Please refer to our Academic Catalog or visit our Tuition or Financial Aid webpages to learn more. Apply online today!
Statement on Transferability of Credits and Degrees
Students should be aware that transfer of credits to other institutions is solely at the discretion of the receiving institution. Students who are considering attending Ascent College and then transferring to another college should contact the receiving institution for its policy on accepting credits from another institution.
Ascent College transfers in credit from other colleges in accordance with our Transfer Credit Policy. Credits from a postsecondary institution accredited by both the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) are transferable to Ascent College if the classes are comparable and applicable to the degree plan. Credits from other postsecondary institutions may be transferable and are evaluated on a course-by-course basis. Every effort is made by administration to transfer as many hours as possible to avoid loss of academic credit.
Please use the College Board Score Send Code 33528 when requesting AP records be sent to Ascent College.
Institutional Equivalencies
We use the Federal definition of the credit hour.Â
The amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalence that reasonably approximates not less than:Â
- One (1) hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two (2) hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks,Â
- Or at least an equivalent amount of work as required in statement one of this definition for other activities as established by an institution, including lab work, internships, practice, studio work, and other academic work leading toward the awarding of credit hours.Â
Face-to-Face Format (On Campus)
For each semester hour of credit, classes must include a 50-minute period with the instructor and two (2) hours of outside class work for at least fifteen weeks. One credit hour = 50 minutes of contact + 120 minutes of outside work over fifteen weeks for a total of 2,550 minutes of student effort.Â
Distance Education (Online)
For each semester hour of credit, classes must include three (3) hours of work per week for at least fifteen weeks. Three (3) hours include interactions with faculty, other students in online discussion forums and other formats, and additional course work outside interactive formats. One credit hour = assignments equaling 170 minutes per week over fifteen weeks for a total of 2,550 minutes of student effort.Â
Any Off-Cycle Course (i.e., 8-week Course)
Must be equivalent in both contact and outside work totals as a semester-length course.
Statement on Placement Services
Ascent College receives many opportunities for various full-time or part-time ministry positions. No guarantee for placement may be made.