Distinguished Faculty

Spirit-filled faculty with real time ministry experience.

Dr. Anna Morgan

M.A.G.L., D.I.S., Fuller Theological Seminary
Vice President of Academics: Instructor of Practical Theology, Ministerial Leadership, and Missiological Studies

Accredited education and practical experience go hand-in-hand. Ascent College has built an exceptional faculty of diverse ministry leaders with decades of active service in the local church. Professors teach from personal experience, modeling grace-filled solutions and Biblical best practices tested and gleaned first-hand.

Academic Deans

Dr. Todd Korpi

Dean of Digital Ministry

M.A. Global Leadership, D.Miss., Fuller Theological Seminary, B.S. Church Ministries, Evangel University


Todd Korpi is a missiologist, pastor, and church consultant, currently serving as the Dean of Digital Ministry programs at Ascent College and Director of the Digital Mission Consortia. He is also an Assistant Professor at Fuller Theological Seminary and works in various roles at OneHope. Todd lives in Chicagoland with his family and is passionate about empowering the local church to live as mobilized missionaries.


AI Goes to Church (IVP 2025)

Your Daughters Shall Prophesy
(Wipf & Stock 2023)

The Life-Giving Spirit (Urban Loft 2017)

Dr. Korpi is also a regular contributor to churchleaders.com.


Instructor of Missiology and Theological Studies

  • MIN293 Digital Cultures & Community
  • MIS220 The Biblical and Theological Basis for Missions and Contemporary Issues
  • MIS107 Introduction to Digital Missiology
  • MIN244 Biblical Theology of Women in Leadership: Why Not Women?
  • MIS410 Contextualized Theology
  • THE212 Theology I: Spirit-Empowered Theology
  • THE230 Eschatology
  • MIN395 Contemporary Issues in Digital Ministry
  • MIN495 Principles in Digital Church Planting and Multiplication

Dr. Jesse Joyner

Dean of Children and Family Ministries

M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, PhD Educational Studies, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, B.A. Biblical Literature, Taylor University


Dr. Joyner is one of the few people in the world who have completed a marathon while juggling. When he is not juggling, he is singing and playing piano with his children, going on walks or bike rides with his wife, or teaching classes at Ascent College! Dr. Joyner’s research is centered around Christian vocation and how all kinds of work can be a sacred calling. His passion is to help young people discern and develop in whatever vocational callings God has placed on their lives.


Holy Fools and the Soul of Craftwork. 2023-present. Hosted by Jesse Joyner and Steve Grosz. Available on major podcast platforms. https://jessejoyner.com/podcast/


Joyner, Jesse. 2023. “Holy Fools”: The Journey of Calling for Christian Variety Performers. Christian Education Journal, 20(3), 317-339. https://doi.org/10.1177/07398913231220407.

Joyner, Jesse. 2023. “Joyful, Joyful, We Juggle for Thee.” Ordinary Saints. Ned Bustard ed. Baltimore, MD: Square Halo Books.

Joyner, Jesse. 2021. “Holy Fools”: Exploring the Journey of Calling for Christian Variety Performers. PhD Diss., Trinity International University, Deerfield, IL: ProQuest Dissertations.

Joyner, Jesse. 2014. “The Human Table.” Bright Ideas for Children’s Ministry, Volume 1. Steven Knight and Karl Bastian eds. Kidology, Inc.


Instructor of Biblical Studies and Children’s Ministerial Studies

Biblical Studies:

  • BIB 110 New Testament Survey
  • BIB 150 Principles of Bible Study
  • BIB 313 The Pauline Epistles

Children’s Ministry:

  • MIN 250 Introduction to Children’s Ministry
  • MIN 356 Teaching and Learning for Children’s Ministry
  • MIN 380 Camp Ministry
  • MIN 481 Pastoral Care of Children

Dr. Taehyun Lee

Dean of Biblical Studies

M.Div. Biblical Languages, Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, PhD Theological Studies/Renewal Theology (ABD) Biblical Studies Concentration with Focus in the New Testament/Pauline Corpus, Regent University


Dr. Lee’s English nickname is “DJ.” He studied at the Conservator of Music for a few years, so he enjoys classical and jazz music very much and serves as the director of the worship ministry in his church. Dr. Lee is passionate about equipping his fellow servant-leaders of Christ with all the essential biblical backgrounds and literacy.


Instructor of Biblical Studies and Theology

  • BIB110 New Testament Survey
  • BIB313 Pauline Epistles
  • BIB214 Romans
  • BIB215 Luke and Acts
  • BIB315 The General Epistles
  • BIB320 Old Testament and New Testament Apocalyptic Literature
  • BIB210 Life and Teachings of Christ
  • BIB150 Hermeneutics I
  • THE212 Theology I: Spirit-Empowered Theology
  • THE301 Theology II: Word and Doctrine
  • BIB304 Old Testament Poetic Literature
  • BIB305 Old Testament Prophetic Literature
  • MIS100 World Christian Perspectives
  • HUM301 Contemporary Society from a Christian Worldview
  • MIN264 Apologetics

Rev. Karen Clark

Dean of Worship Ministries Leadership

B.A. Music Education, George Mason University, M.A. Practical Theology, Regent University, M.A. Music Education, Liberty University (in progress)


Rev. Clark is a life-long learner of the art of music with a passion for worship! It began with piano pedagogy at the age of seven and has evolved into years of pursuing excellence and mentoring others in their gifts. Her educational background and experience range from private instruction to proven years of employment in professional, collegiate, and church settings. Her heart’s desire is to inspire students to pursue the call of God on their lives in worship leadership and musical artistry. God deserves our heart and our art. Soli Deo Gloria!


Instructor of Worship Leadership Studies

  • WOR203 Role of a Worship Leader
  • WOR202 Biblical Foundations of Worship
  • WOR405 Musicianship I: Fundamental Awareness
  • WOR201 The Heart of a Worshipper
  • WOR330 History of Renewal Worship
  • WOR312 Leading a Worship Ministry
  • WOR302 The Role of the Arts in Worship
  • WOR211 Technology for Worship I: Music Production

Robert Shipley, PhD

Dean of Intercultural Studies

PhD Theological Studies, Pan Africa Theological Seminary


Rob and Jeanel are from Oregon and have been in ministry since 1982. After seventeen years in pastoral ministry, they began serving as missionaries in 1999. Rob and Jeanel have been involved in leadership development, church planting, and organizational strategic leadership. Rob and Jeanel have two daughters and nine grandchildren. 


Instructor in Missiology, Biblical, and Ministerial Studies

  • MIS105 Missions in the Local Church

Distinguished Faculty

Mark Ackerman

Instructor of Biblical Studies and Ministerial Studies

M.A. Public Policy, Regent University, M.A. Biblical Studies, Regent University, PhD Biblical Theology, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (dissertation stage)


Professor Ackerman and his wife just celebrated their 43rd anniversary and have served together in ministry for most of those years. He is a full-time minister at New Creation Assemblies of God in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and a professor who loves to share the Word of God with others. He is excited to work with students and open up the truth that is the Word of God and its importance to the life of the believer.


– MIN112 Relational Outreach and Personal Evangelism
– MIN260 Administration of Christian Ministry
– MIN212 Personal Christian Ethics

Jacob Al Hassan

Vice President of African Partnerships
Member, Ascent College Board of Directors

M.A., D.Min., Southeastern University, PhD General Psychology, Northcentral University


Although he is currently a citizen of the United States, Dr. Jacob Al Hassan’s birthplace is Ghana, West Africa. He is the Vice President of Business Development at Fidelity Direct Mortgage and has been doing his “tent ministry” while volunteering as a pastor at River of Life Church in Spotsylvania, Virginia, for the past twenty years. Dr. Jacob has been married to his childhood sweetheart for thirty-two years and is blessed with three sons: Philemon, Theophilus, and Titus.

He has the unique opportunity to serve the body of Christ at ROLC and engage the culture daily with a godly witness in the marketplace, thanks to the privilege of being bi-vocational. Even though it has its difficulties, he is given the chance daily to help alter the current relativism-based culture.


Instructor of Ministry and Biblical Studies
– HUM301 Contemporary Moral Issues
– GEN102 Orientation and Library Resources
– MIN230 Pastoral Counseling

Trish Arnold MSEd-SPED

B.S. Physical Education, Longwood University
MSEd-SPED Shenandoah University


Professor Arnold has been a special education teacher at the high school level since 2008. She has taken PSOM and Ascent College classes to grow her theological roots, faith, and calling to serve ministers. She has served as a leader in children’s and youth ministries, as a pastor’s wife for twenty years, and on women’s ministry teams in recent years. Teaching a course about ministry and special education is the marrying of two of her greatest passions, and she is thrilled for this opportunity to teach, learn, and grow with Ascent College students!


– MIN465 Accessibility and Inclusivity for Children and Youth with Disabilities

Jamé Bolds, PhD (C)

Instructor of Ministerial Studies

PhD Candidate, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, M.P.A.P., Rutgers University’s Bloustein School, M.A. M.A.R., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Ethics Studies, BTI: Harvard Kennedy and Divinity School, B.A., Southeastern University


Jamé Bolds, PhD (C) (Stellenbosch) is an economic theologian and CEO of the Pathmakers Foundation, a venture philanthropic​ foundation that discovers, funds, and walks with leaders in strategic and marginalized communities. As lead pastor of Victory Church (Yorktown, VA), he led a five-year $4.5 million revitalization, and at completion, it will be a $30 million turnaround. At Victory, he developed a self-funded economic model for “A Church, in A Park, in A City” not reliant on Sunday morning offerings. He is a member of the Society of Pentecostal Studies and the American Economic Association. 


– MIN275 Non-Profit Financial Management


Life In 5D: A New Vision of Discipleship. Charlie Self, Johan Mostert, Jamé Bolds. (2022).

Bolds, J. (2025, January). “Leading in Pain” [Keynote Presentation]. The Mosaic Anglican Archdiocese Convocation, New Orleans.

James B Bolds, (2025, April). “The Church as a Market Participant: Who Capitalizes the Captial in Economic Theology & Practice?” [Lecture] Oxford Colloquy, New College, University of Oxford.

James B Bolds, (2024, April). The Church as a Market Participant: An Examination of Grounded Theory in Economic Theology & Practice. [Lecture] Oxford Colloquy, New College, University of Oxford.

Bolds, Jamé (2023, May 4). A New Model for Funding Your Church. Thrivent Christian Leader Webinar Series [Webinar]. https://video.thrivent.com/view/ZiEUgZ0w8x7J9hh9lG2316/ 

Influence Magazine. (2023, January 19). Following Jesus in All of Life: A conversation with Charlie Self, Johan Mostert, and Jamé Bolds [Podcast]. https://influencemagazine.com/en/Podcast/Following-Jesus-in-All-of-Life 

Bolds, Jamé  (2025) American Pentecostalism and Economics, Brill Encyclopedia of Global Pentecostalism North American Supplemental Volume, Netherlands

Bolds, Jamé  (2024, November). CHURCHENOMICS: Church Economics for the Next 100 Years. AVAIL – Journal – The Art of Leadership.

Bolds, Jamé (2021, Winter). A Culture of Generosity: Victory Church Partners with Thrivent to Offer Financial Education. Thrivent Magazine

Bolds, Jamé (2020, September). Pastoring in an Age of Unemployment: Helping People Rediscover Their Kingdom Purpose. Influence.

Jonathan Burtram

Instructor of Ministerial Studies

B.A. Biblical Studies and Philosophy, Evangel University, M.Div. Practical Theology, Regent University


Professor Burtram is the lead pastor at Christ Fellowship Church in Silver Spring, Maryland, and he loves talking about faith in ways that connect with people right where they are. He’s married to his wonderful and beautiful wife, Rebecca, and they have five amazing grown kids. When he’s not preaching or teaching, you can usually find him working on his latest house renovation project – he loves using his hands to turn something old into something new.


– BIB105 Old Testament Survey
– BIB110 New Testament Survey

J. Gary Butler

Instructor of Ministerial Studies

M.A. Organizational Leadership, Liberty University, D.Min. Candidate, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary


Gary Butler is an ordained Assemblies of God minister with a wealth of practical ministry experience. He led small and large multi-staff churches for over twenty years as a lead pastor and served an additional twenty years as a “pastor to pastors” as a member of the Potomac Ministry Network leadership team. Gary is the author of the Church Leadership Coaching church revitalization process and has coached and consulted with numerous churches. Gary and his wife, Carolyn, have three married children and ten grandchildren. 


– MIN230 Pastoral Counseling
– MIN245 Principles of Christian Leadership Development
– MIN112 Relational Outreach and Personal Evangelism
– MIN362 Church and Law

Luisa Castro, M.Ed. QMHP-A

Instructor of Counseling Studies

M.Ed., M.A. Clinical Psychology (Candidate), Strayer University, Certified John Maxwell Coach


Professor Castro and her husband serve as missionary pastors in the Philippines at Freedom Church Assembly of God in Virginia Beach, Virginia. They provide training among pastors in the Philippines on how to use multi-biblical courses on discipleship provided by International Cooperating Ministries in Newport News, Virginia. She has worked for almost twelve years as a mental health clinician. She is a certified medical interpreter of the Tagalog Language and has completed training in behavioral health interpreting in Richmond, Virginia.


– PSY202 Introduction to Psychology and Christian Counseling
– SOC400 Marriage and Family
– PSY430 Abnormal Psychology
– PSY341 Psychology of Personality

Dr. Doug Chapman

Instructor of Biblical Studies

B.A. Biblical Studies, Minor in Theology and Pastoral Ministry, Central Bible College, M.A. Christian Education, Major in Church History, Ashland Theological Seminary, PhD Higher Education Administration, Cognate in History, Michigan State University


Dr. Chapman’s calling is to “prepare God’s people for works of service so that the body of Christ is built up” (Ephesians 4:12). When he is able to help our students prepare for their ministry goals; then he has fulfilled his calling.


– BIB110 New Testament Survey
– BIB150 Hermeneutics I
– BIB215 Luke and Acts


“Michigan Central Passenger Stations in Detroit, Michigan.” Central Headlight. (1st Quarter 2025), (Accepted for Publication).

“Building Freight Cars in Columbus, Ohio.” Central Headlight. (2nd Quarter 2024), 24-35.

“Loading Coal in Toledo.” Central Headlight. (3rd Quarter 2021), 4-18.

“Charles A. Shreve and the Pentecostal Revival at McKendree Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington, DC.” Assemblies of God Heritage. 39-40, (2019-2020), 18-27, 54.

“The Birth of the Hocking Valley Railway Company.” The Chesapeake & Ohio Magazine, (July-August 2018), 34-40. 

“Daniel Warren Kerr: Thinking, Speaking and Acting Scripturally.” Assemblies of God Heritage. 37-38, (2016-2017), 31-41. 

“Thomas King Leonard: A Truly Indispensable Man.” Assemblies of God Heritage. 34, (2014), 16-25.

“In Spirit and in Truth: Higher Education in the Assemblies of God.” Assemblies of God Heritage. 31, (2011), 49-57.

Dr. Ron DeBerry

Instructor of Biblical and Ministerial Studies

M.Div., D.Min., Regent University, M.S. Library Science, Texas Women’s University


Dr. DeBerry has been married to his beautiful wife, Verlene, for fifty-three years. He has two sons, Quentin and Eric, and three grandchildren.


– GEN102 Orientation and Library Resources
– MIN103 Spiritual Formation I
– GEN401 Senior Seminar and Career Preparedness
– ENG105 Academic Writing and Critical Research

Rev. Brian Dollar, MA

Instructor of Children’s Ministerial Studies

B.A. Pastoral Ministries, Nelson University, M.A. Church Leadership and Ministry, Evangel University


Brian has been in ministry for over 35 years. He has a passion for training the next generation of leaders, equipping kids and families, and using creativity to illustrate the gospel message. He loves hiking, 80s Rock, the Dallas Cowboys, and the Dallas Mavericks!


– MIN459 Leadership Development in Children’s Ministry

LaDawn Lynn Rance Emery

Instructor of Counseling Studies

M.A. Christian Ministries, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, M.A. Counseling, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, B.S. Intercultural Child Development, Bethany Bible College


LaDawn Emery, a dedicated wife and mother of one, has served as an ordained minister and missionary with the Assemblies of God, focusing on children, youth, and human trafficking issues. With experience as a substitute teacher and Spanish instructor for K-8, she has worked with both neurotypical and special needs students across various grade levels. Currently, LaDawn is the Student Ministry Director at a church plant in Springfield, MO, where she continues her commitment to faith and youth development.


– PRA101 Counseling Practicum I
– PRA102 Counseling Practicum II
– PSY310 Lifespan Development
– PSY351 Developmental Theory for Children

Rev. Mark Freeman

Instructor of Youth Ministerial Studies

M.Ed., Towson University, B.S. Elementary Education, Messiah College


Mark Freeman, together with his wife Melissa, is the proud father of five daughters. He holds a master’s degree in education from Towson University and has over twenty years of youth ministry experience as an ordained pastor with the Assemblies of God. Currently serving as the Communications and Resourcing Director for the New York Ministry Network, Mark applies his educational expertise and ministry background to support local churches by creating curriculum and leadership training resources that foster individual growth and enhance overall team health. Mark is passionate about helping people better understand their identity in Christ Jesus, guiding them toward spiritual growth and fulfilling their calling.


– MIN330 Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry
– MIN322 Understanding Adolescent Culture
– MIN343 Discipleship Strategy in Youth Ministry
– MIN412 Youth Ministry in the Local Church
– MIN422 Teaching a Biblical Worldview to Students
– MIN472 Leadership Skills for Youth Ministry
– Practicums 200, 304, 306

Rev. Debbie Gillispie, MLM

Instructor of Ministerial Studies

M.A. Leadership and Ministry, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, B.A. Biblical Ministry, Freedom Bible College and Seminary, Biblical Counseling Certificate, Liberty Light University


Rev. Debbie’s heart to serve the Lord in the equipping of His saints to fulfill their mission in Christ drives her to preach, teach, and help others in the love of Christ. As the founder and president of Heart to Hands International, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization, she partners with others working in marginalized sectors to empower those called to minister the gospel. 

Married to her high school sweetheart, she enjoys reading, spending time with her daughters and grandchildren, and walking on the beach or mountain trails with her husband, John.


– MIN342 How Remarkable Women Lead: A Breakthrough Model for Work and Life

Patrick Grach

Instructor of Ministry and Counseling

B.A. Biblical Studies, Northpoint Bible College (formerly Zion Bible College), M.A. Counseling, Regent University, D.Min., Southeastern University (in progress)


Patrick Grach is the founding and Lead Pastor of Lifehouse Church, which he started in 2003 with five people in his home and publicly launched in 2005 with 24 people. Lifehouse Church has grown into multiple locations, campuses, and services, has planted 12 churches, and has mentored and supported another 65 church planters. Patrick also directs the Lifehouse Network, which includes over a dozen partner churches nationally and another in Albania. Patrick and his wife Laura live in Hagerstown, Maryland, and have six children: Rebecca (22), Carissa (20), Bethany (18), and Daniel (9), Matthew (7), Caleb (4). He enjoys endurance sports (like marathons and triathlons), hiking, and hunting.


– MIN245 Principles of Christian Leadership Development
– BIB105 Old Testament Survey

Dr. Greg Hackett

Instructor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

B.A. Biblical Studies, Evangel College, M.A. Christian Ministries, D.Min. Leadership, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary


As lead pastor, Dr. Hackett is more of a teacher than a preacher. He enjoys equipping leaders in all walks of life (profit and non-profit). His hobbies include CrossFit and golf.


– BIB210 Life and Teachings of Christ
– BIB215 Luke and Acts

Rev. Russell E. Joyner

Instructor of Biblical Studies

B.A. Biblical and Theological Studies, Concentration Greek and Hebrew, Gordon College, M.A.T.S. Theological Studies and Biblical Interpretation, Concentration Hermeneutics, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, M.A. Religion and Literature of Ancient Israel, Concentration Hebrew Literature and History, Temple University Graduate School of Religion


During the past five decades, Rev. Joyner has served as a youth minister, college & career director, worship leader, missions pastor, college professor, small-group pastor, discipleship pastor, church planter, and lead pastor. At the same time, he and his wife managed to surpass 47 years of marriage together, raise three children, and welcome nine grandchildren into their tribe. Every step of the way, his purpose has been to make the Bible come alive so that people come alive to God. Wherever you are in your academic journey, or whatever role in which you now serve, Rev. Joyner prays that Ascent College will equip you to better serve and pursue the passion that God is giving to you. 


– BIB105 Old Testament Survey
– BIB314 Pauline Epistles
– BIB303 Old Testament Historical Literature
– LAN201 Intro to New Testament Greek
– BIB305 Old Testament Prophetic Literature
– BIB110 New Testament Survey


Contributor to: Systematic Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective, edited by Stanley Horton, Logion Press, Springfield, MO; 1994. Chapter 4.  The One True God.

Teaching Experience

Greek Teaching Fellow (1984-86); Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA

Associate Professor of Biblical Studies (1989-93); Valley Forge Christian College, Phoenixville, PA (Greek, Hermeneutics, Pentateuch, Prophets, Gospels, Epistles)

Academic Dean of Extension Campus in Richmond, VA, for Valley Forge College (1994-2001)

University of The Nations: Youth With A Mission (2018-present); teaching books of the Bible in School of Biblical Studies and Discipleship Bible School (Norway, England, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Mexico, USA).

Dr. Donald Kammer

Instructor of Church History and Biblical Studies

PhD Theological Studies: History of Global Christianity, Regent University, M.A. America Studies, College of William and Mary, M.A. History, Missouri State University, M.Div. Historical Theology and Pastoral Counseling, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, B.A., Nelson University


Dr. Kammer is a retired U.S. Army chaplain, and in elementary school, I was a paperboy for the San Francisco Examiner. He’s taught English as a Second language in California and China. For over ten years, he served as a pastor in Missouri, California, and various other locations, such as Bagram, Afghanistan, and Heidelberg, Germany.


– HIS220 History of the Christian Church
– BIB110 Old Testament Survey
– MIS220 The Biblical and Theological Basis for Missions and Contemporary Issues


Kammer, Donald W. The Full Gospel Assembly (FGA) of Washington, DC, 1907-1934: Creating a Vibrant, Independent Full Gospel Community in the Heart of the District of Columbia. Bloomington, Ind.: WestBow Press, 2024.

Kammer, Donald W. “The Pentecostal Reception of Luther and Lutheranism,” In The Holy Spirit and the Reformation Legacy, ed. Mark J. Cartledge and Mark A. Jumper, 48-67.Pickwick, Eugene, Ore., 2020.

Kammer, Donald W. “The Unique, Prophetic Voice of the Army Chaplain.” The Army Chaplaincy: Professional Bulletin of the Unit Ministry Team (Spring-Summer 2008), 77-89,http://www.crcna.org/site_uploads/uploads/TheArmyChaplaincyJournal.pdf (accessed September 6, 2012).

Kammer, Donald. “The Perplexing Power of John Wimber’s Power Encounters,” Churchman 106.1 (Spring 1992): 45-64.

Dr. Holden Lane

Instructor of Youth Ministerial Studies

B.A. Church Ministries, Nelson University, M.A. Practical Theology, Nelson University, D.Min. Biblical Studies, Liberty University


Dr. Lane resides in East Tennessee with his wife, Lauren, his daughte,r Brooklyn, and his identical triplet sons, Owen, Andrew, and Elijah. Next-generation discipleship and building a strong, doctrinally sound church are close to his heart. As a young communications major, the Holy Spirit spoke to Dr. Lane to “Learn His Word and teach His Word.” Since that day, he hasn’t looked back on that calling. Dr. Lane loves the outdoors and cheering on the Volunteers!


– MIN330 Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry
– MIN412 Youth Ministry in the Local Church

Dr. Kristi Lemley

Instructor of Ministerial Studies

B.S. Criminal Justice and Psychology, Illinois State University, M.S.W. Family, St. Louis University, D.Min. Leadership, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary


Dr. Lemley is a revivalist at heart, passionate about seeking the presence of God and making Him known. She believes we are created to have a personal, fresh, and daily encounter with Him. She lives with her husband Kraig of 27 years, their dog Kooper, and their cat Kallie. 


– MIN243 Communicating for Transformation


ABLAZE: Prepare Your Heart for Revival

Transformed: Live God’s Best

Dr. Diane McGehee

Instructor of Missiological Studies

M.A.G.L., D.M.I.S., Fuller Theological Seminary, B.M.E., Emporia State University


Since early childhood, Dr. McGehee has in some way been involved with training and equipping others to participate in the call of God to missionally engage those around them. For the past twenty years, God has led her on a journey of learning how to train and equip even those who are from cultures that are different than her own. Her heart is not only to train people how to be effective witnesses cross-culturally but to pause, listen, and learn from each other. As they do so, they can begin to see that God purposely created diversity so that in Him, everyone finds value in each other and a unity in diversity that best represents the Kingdom of God while on earth.


– MIS303 Cross-Cultural Anthropology
– MIS103 World Religions

Dr. Stephanie Nance

Instructor of Ministerial Studies

M.Div., D.Min. Spiritual Formation and Leadership, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary


Dr. Nance serves as the Lead Pastor at Chapel Springs Church in Northern Virginia, where she also spent nine years as the Spiritual Formation Pastor. As a pastor in the Washington D.C. metro area, much of her focus is on helping people in this highly educated, affluent area create space in their chaotic, ordinary lives to hear and respond to the movement of God in and around them.  


– MIN103 Spiritual Formation I
– MIN104 Spiritual Formation II

Dr. Karina Negron

Instructor of Math and Science Studies

B.S. Chemistry and Mathematics, University of Puerto Rico, PhD Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Post-Doctorate Nanomedicine and Traumatic Brain Injury, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research


Originally from Puerto Rico, Dr. Negron moved to Baltimore at 21 after marrying her husband. Guided by faith, she pursued her academic journey, culminating in a PhD from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in 2019.

With over 10 years of research and teaching experience, she now works as a systems engineer for the Department of Defense. She’s a mother of two boys, a pastor’s wife, and a Bible teacher, passionate about using creativity—through painting and singing—to worship God and serve others. Life is wonderfully unpredictable!


– MAT115 Elements of Mathematics
– SCI101 Life Science

Dr. Boniface Odong

Instructor of Biblical Studies, Theology, and Counseling Studies

M.S.W., Radford University, M.Div., PhD Theological Studies, Regent University


Dr. Odong’s educational philosophy is a derivative of a lifelong passion/hobby of knowledge pursuit and sharing what he has learned with others. His unique personal and professional experiences and desires have provided him with the opportunity to help students meet their current academic challenges. Dr. Odong believes that the purpose of education is to support students in skills development, knowledge acquisition, and even dispositions that will brand them into responsible and contributory citizens/members of our community and nation at large. He grew up knowing that education is the best avenue for opportunities in life.


– BIB303 Old Testament Historical Literature
– BIB450 Hermeneutics II


Odong, Boniface. (2021). “The Shepherd Motif in 1 Peter 5:1-4 as a Descriptor of Ecclesial Leadership: A Socio-Rhetorical Analysis.” Regent University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, No. 28861395.

Rev. Dr. Regina Okine

Instructor of Christian Counseling Studies

B.S. Psychology, Regent University, M.A. Human Services, Marriage and Family Counseling, Liberty University, D.C.C. Christian Counseling and Biblical Psychology, Immanuel Bible Institute and Seminary, PhD Biblical Theology, Immanuel Bible Institute and Seminary


Rev Dr. Regina Okine is originally from the beautiful country called Ghana, in West Africa. By His immeasurable grace, she is the Founder of the Center for Ministerial Counseling, the Journey of the Heart Ministry, the LifeSeriesYouth Bible Study Group, and the Marriage and Family Counseling serving people from all walks of life. She is an inspirational speaker based on Biblical principles and values for both children and adults. Her educational background is in Biblical Theology, Biblical Psychology, and Christian Counseling. With great humility, she received all her education from Christian Institutions throughout her life.

Rev Dr. Regina Okine is a mother, a grandmother, a sweet Auntie, a dear friend, and a people-oriented person who has a special heart for the wellbeing of people (including children, the youth population, and the whole family). She is a Certified Therapeutic Foster Parent with Youth for Tomorrow and a caregiver to several foster children in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Also, she is a Godmother to several Godchildren. She resides in Haymarket, VA, with her Sweet Hubby and three children.

Gratitude: She is very grateful to God for granting her the opportunity to serve Him and humanity. May His immeasurable grace and peace forever be with us all. In the Mighty Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen & Amen!


– PSY341 Psychology of Personality
– PSY371 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy

Dr. Brandon Pardekooper

Instructor of Ministerial Studies

PhD Strategic Leadership Foresight, Regent University, M.A. Organizational Leadership, Evangel University, B.A. Biblical Studies and Student Ministries, Evangel University


Dr. Pardekooper loves playing sports, cheering on the KC Chiefs with his family, reading, and writing. 

From his first week in Bible college, he has felt called to pastor pastors and serve them in their ministries.


– MIN301 Leadership Theory and Practice


Millennial Leadership”
“Final Days of Jesus”
“A High Point of Grace”

Pastor John Ponder

Instructor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

M.A.R., Harding School of Theology, D.Min. Bible and Ministry, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


John Ponder is Pastor of Christian Education and Assimilation for Family Christian Center, Munster, IN. He oversees all adult education, discipleship and mentoring, online church hosting, follow-up and assimilation, prayer ministry, all counseling, and Marriage Ministry. 

John Ponder has a background in both the corporate and church environments and thus brings leadership skills from both the secular and Christian perspectives. John previously managed a team of scientists, programmers, and engineers who developed disk storage systems at IBM.  

While still working for IBM, in 1998, John planted the Christian Faith Center in Tucson, AZ, which grew to over 200 in regular attendance. In 2005, John accepted the call to join the pastoral team of Family Christian Center.

Eva Ponder, John’s wife of 50 years, is a licensed clinical psychologist, having completed her doctorate at Wheaton Univerisity. She was previously the executive director of Bethany House, the largest Christian residential drug rehab program/homeless shelter for women in the state of Arizona. She also previously served as Clinical Director at Cornerstone Counseling in downtown Chicago. John and Eva have three children: Jennifer Arimborgo, a missionary in the Amazon jungle region of Peru; Anna Bourke Morgan, co-pastor of Word of Life AOG in suburban Washington, DC; and Joel Ponder, a programmer for Mastercard.


– THE301 Theology II: Word and Doctrine
– BIB105 Old Testament Survey
– PRA100 Practicum I
– PRA401 Practicum V
– PRA402 Practicum VI

Lisa Potter

Instructor of Ministerial Studies

PhD (Candidate) Spiritual Formation, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, M.L.M. Summa Cum Laude, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary


Lisa Potter is the author of The Collective Journey: An Invitation to Go Deeper in Your Life and Leadership. She is also a passionate leader, a grace downloader, and a generational bridge builder. Her commitment to these roles is evident in her dedication to mentoring and coaching the next generation of female leaders and her work in speaking, writing, and teaching.

Lisa and her husband, Frank, live at the Tableview Farm in Virginia, a 70-acre farm between Washington, D.C., and the beautiful Shenandoah Mountains with their golden retriever, Brady.


– MIN242 Leadership Health for Next-Gen Female Leaders

Dr. Valerie Rance, PhD

Instructor of Counseling and Missiological Studies

B.S. Psychology/Ministerial, Bethany Bible College, M.A. LPC and MFT Counseling, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, PhD Intercultural Studies, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary


Valerie Rance has served as an Assemblies of God World missionary with her husband DeLonn since 1984. For twenty of those years, she worked in the country of El Salvador where she taught in the English Department of the Christian University of the AG in San Salvador. Valerie and DeLonn have three awesome children, three wonderful children-in-law, and seven of the most beautiful grandchildren in the world.


– COUN203 Issues in Christian Counseling
– COUN303 Christian Counseling for Marriage and Family
– COUN350 Grief and Trauma Counseling
– COUN400 Conflict Resolution Counseling
– PSY205 Social Psychology and Cultural Issues in Counseling
– PSY310 Lifespan Development
– PSY355 Introduction to Research
– SOC404 Marriage and Family


Principal Writings

Rance, Valerie (2021). Trauma and Coping Mechanisms Among Assemblies of God World Missionaries: Towards a Biblical Theory of Missionary Well-being. Evangelical Missiological Society Monograph Series. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications.  


Rance, Valerie (2014). “The Importance of Narrative in Contextualization.” International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology. Vol. 2, 61-84. 


Rance, Valerie (Summer 2014). “Trauma and the Mental Health of the Missionary: Effects, Coping and Missionary Care” Encounter Journal. Vol. 11. 



2024, June 13-14 – Association of Professors of Mission (APM) – Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education (AETE), St. Mary’s College, SouthBend, Indiana – “Biblical Personalities and Trauma: Towards a Theology of Well-being.”


2019, Feb. 28-March 2 – Society for Pentecostal Studies, Washington D.C. – “I Will Sing Because I Trust Him.” How God Uses Music as a Coping Mechanism in Times of Trouble. 


2018, July 2-5 – European Pentecostal Theological Association, Brussels, Belgium – “The Ethical Treatment of 21st Century Missionaries Who Have Experienced Trauma: A Biblical Theory of Well-Being” 


2017, March 9-11 – Society for Pentecostal Studies, St. Lewis, MO – “Biblical Personalities and Trauma: Towards a Biblical Theology of Wellbeing” 


2014, March 6-8 – Society for Pentecostal Studies, Springfield, MO – “Biblical Personalities and Trauma: The Beginnings of a Theology of Wellbeing” 


2013, Sept. 19-21 – Evangelical Missions Society, Chicago, IL (National) – “Trauma and the Mental Health of the Missionary: Effects, Coping, and Missionary Care” 


2013, April 12-14 – Evangelical Missions Society, Chicago, IL (Regional) – “Trauma and the Mental Health of the Missionary: Effects, Coping, and Missionary Care” 


2011, March 10-12 – Society for Pentecostal Studies, Memphis, TN – “The Use of Touch as a Redemptive Expression of the Mission of God in the World” 


2018, Oct. 17 – Workshop for the World Missions Congress, Madrid, Spain – “Empowering Emotionally and Spiritually Healthy Workers (Member Care)

Dr. Margo Rees

Instructor of Biblical Studies

M.Div., Union Presbyterian Seminary, PhD Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Students (Hebrew/Aramaic Focus), University of Cambridge, B.A. English Literature, Johns Hopkins University


Dr. Rees has preached and taught the gospel for over fifteen years and is also the founder of Lydia House International, a ministry empowering women and underserved people in West Africa and around the world.  She lives in Richmond, VA with her husband, three children, and their pug.


– BIB105 Old Testament Survey

Professor Jenell Sanford

Instructor of English and Communications

B.S. Journalism, Ohio University, M.A. Communications, Ohio University


Jenell Sanford is a child of God and enjoys studying His Word. She holds journalism and communications degrees from Ohio University and is a graduate of Biblical Studies. 

She has a heart for “babes” in the faith and has published the book entitled, Bible Basics for Babes in Christ, with an emphasis on teaching/sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with fun, simplicity, and truth.


– ENG101 Grammar and Composition
– ENG102 Composition and Literature

Dr. Adrian Schoonmaker

Instructor in Ministerial and Communications Studies

B.S. Bible: Pastoral Ministry, University of Valley Forge, D.Min. Leadership and Ministry Management, Trinity Evangelical School (ABD), M.A. Practical Theology, Regent University School of Divinity, M.A. Journalism, Regent University College of Communication and the Arts


Dr. Schoonmaker and his wife, Joyce, have been married for more than twenty years, raising their six children from college age down to elementary school. He serves as Lead Pastor of C3 Tri-Cities, east of Seattle, and has been ministering to college students for 25 years. Some of his favorite years of ministry have been with university students at West Point, Harvard, Harvard Law, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown, UPenn, and Tulane. Dr. Schoonmaker loves teaching at Ascent and considers it his privilege to help equip the next generation of ministers for God’s glory! 


– COM101 Speech Communication
– COM201 Church Communications

Dr. Brandon Shank

Instructor in Ministerial Studies

M.A. Organizational Leadership, Evangel University, D.Min. Expository Preaching and Teaching, Liberty University


Brandon Shank is the Founding and Lead Pastor of Palms Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He holds a Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching and Teaching from Liberty University, graduating with distinction, and a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership from Evangel University, graduating Summa Cum Laude. He is also an Ordained Minister with the Assemblies of God. 

In addition to pastoring a thriving church for the past ten years, Brandon is currently building a baseball training facility, the Virginia Beach Academy, in tandem with Fresh Start Academy, a virtual rehabilitation program for teens with life-altering addictions and their families, with VBA being the revenue stream for the continuing ministry of Fresh Start Academy. He has previously held the position of President at Mid-Atlantic Teen Challenge and Virginia Beach Little League. Brandon also hosts a weekly podcast, The Brandon Shank Podcast, which integrates Jesus, culture, and sports.


– MIN220 Homiletics
– THE406 Pastoral Theology

Dr. J. Lyle Story

Instructor in Biblical Studies

M.Div., PhD Biblical Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, B.S., Sterling College and Wheaton College


Dr. Story has over 45 years of experience teaching at the graduate level, including 39 years teaching at Regent University’s School of Divinity. He enjoys Biblical languages (proficient in Greek, Hebrew, and Latin, and also German and French), spending time with friends, fishing, working out, running, and enjoying nature as he works outdoors. He has served in various ministry roles and published two books and countless journal articles on a variety of theological topics. He is currently working on a new book, The Urban Bible: Further Thoughts and Research Related to the Christian Affections in the Bible.


– BIB150 Hermeneutics I
– LAN201 Intro to New Testament Greek

Dr. Paul L. Thee

Instructor of Math Studies

M.S. National Resources Strategy, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, PhD Solid State Physics Specialty, Air Force Institute of Technology, M.S. Engineering Physics, Air Force Institute of Technology, B.S. Physics, University of Washington


Dr. Thee has served his country through leadership and management in scientific and technical organizations. He’s been married to his wife, Sonji, since 1982 and has two children and one grandchild. He’s been teaching Sunday School for many years and enjoys teaching at Ascent College.  


– PSY354 Introduction to Statistics for Social Sciences
– MAT115 Elements of Mathematics


High Power Microwave Systems: Air Force Overview, Directed Energy Professional Society 5th Annual Directed Energy Symposium, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 13 Nov 2002

Effects on Pr Luminescence in GaAs and AlGaAs Implanted Dually with Pr and Er or Lighter Atoms, APS National Meeting, St. Louis, MO, Mar 96

Exciton-based Excitation of Pr-Ions in GaAs and AlGaAs, American Physical Society National Mtg, San Jose, CA, Mar 95

Pr-4f Luminescence Excitation in AlxGa1-xAs, Int’l Conf on the Physics of Semiconductors, Vancouver, B.C., Aug 94

Excitation of the 4f-Electron of Pr3+ in GaAs:Pr and AlxGa1-xAs:Pr, 16th Nordic Semiconductor Meeting, Iceland, Jun 94

The Excitation Mechanism of Pr3+-Electrons in GaAs and AlGaAs, APS National Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Mar 94

Photoluminescence in Pr-implanted GaAs and AlGaAs, Ohio Section Meeting, APS, Cleveland, OH, Oct 93

Calculation of the Equation of State for Silicon, Ohio Section Meeting, American Physical Society, Cleveland, OH, Oct 86

Pr3+ Luminescence in GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs Implanted with Pr, Journal of Applied Physics 78 (7), 1 October 1995

3 Citations:
Zavada, J. M. et al, Optical transitions in Pr-implanted GaN, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 75, No. 6, 9 August 1999.
Birkhahn, R. et al, Red light emission by photoluminescence and electroluminescence from Pr-doped GaN on Si substrates, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 74, No. 15, 12 April 1999.

Kuo, Shou-Yi and Wen-Feng Hsieh, Structural and optical properties of erbium-doped Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 thin films, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 23(4) Jul/Aug 2005

Excitation of the 4f-Electron of Pr3+ in GaAs:Pr and AlxGa1-xAs:Pr, Physica Scripta, Vol. T54, 24-27, 1994

System and Method for Detecting a Target Substance, Rogers, Thee, Rosenthal, Biernacki, Patent No. US 8,218,146, July 10, 2012

Session 5 at the Imaging Through Clouds Workshop 2000, AF Research Lab, Albuquerque, NM, 10 Aug 00
Transport in Superlattices II at the National Meeting of the American Physical Society, St. Louis, MO, 22 Mar 96

Shoot to Not Kill, Quoted in Interview about Non-Lethal Weapons, Popular Science, p 80, May 2003

The Importance of Imagery Intelligence, Invited Talk at Imaging Through Clouds Workshop 2000, Aug. 9, 2000, Air Force Research Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM

Special New Classified Sensor Systems, Invited Talk at 2000 MASINT CW Nonproliferation Science and Technology Symposium, 26-29 Jun 2000, San Diego, CA

Future Technologies: Military Use of Space, repeat invited presentations to Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr (German Federal Armed Forces Command and General Staff College), 14 May 97 & 5 Mar 98

Dawn Dais Wagner

Teaching Assistant

B.A. Youth Ministry and Biblical Languages, North Central University, M.A. Christian Ministries, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary


Dawn Wagner is a mom, wife, business owner, and closet opera singer. Her ministry experience includes youth ministry, cross-cultural urban ministry, church revitalization, and church planting, but at heart, she’s a disciple-maker. She loves to see the Gospel come alive and bring transformation! 


– PSY354 Introduction to Statistics for Social Sciences
– MAT115 Elements of Mathematics

Yancy Wideman Richmond

Instructor of Children’s Ministry


Yancy is a worship leader, songwriter, author and passionate advocate of raising disciples to worship. Her Dove Award winning music that makes Jesus loud is used in churches and homes globally. She hosts the “Stained Glass Kids” podcast for PK’s, ministry kids and leaders. Yancy and her family live in Nashville, TN.


– MIN340 Children and Worship
– MIN250 Introduction to Children’s Ministry

Pastor Kevin D. Willis


M.A., Regent University, M.S.A., George Washington University, B.A., Howard University, Certificate Executive Education Leadership, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, Certificate Executive Education, Kennedy School, Harvard University


Kevin is a career military intelligence professional with over thirty years of combined active and civilian service. Kevin is a Veteran of two combat tours in Grenada and Somalia. He serves as the Director of the Dream Prayer Network and Prayer Leader at Bethel Temple in Hampton, Virginia.


Instructor in Ministerial and Theological Studies
– MIN112 Relational Outreach and Personal Evangelism
– MIN212 Personal Christian Ethics
– MIN275 Non-Profit Financial Management
– BIB110 New Testament Survey

Katie Allred

Instructor of Communications Studies

M.A., University of Florida

Brian Biondo

Instructor of Worship Ministerial Studies

M.Div., Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, M.A. Music Education, Peabody Institute, Johns Hopkins University

Martin Monacell

Instructor of Theological Studies

M.Div., Assemblies of God Theological Seminary

DeLonn Rance

Instructor of Missiological Studies

M.A., Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, M.A., Vanguard University, PhD Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary

Christopher Liverman

Matthew Wagner