For so many of us, shivering and staring out our back doors at frosty lawns and chilly weather, it’s hard to believe we’re already prepping for the summer session here at Ascent College. Yet, here we are! The summer months will be here before you know it. Our summer course offering is stacked with so many great options. For those planning to press forward during our summer semester, take a look at our A and B term schedules below and reach out to your Academic Advisor for registration. 

Considering joining Ascent College for the first time? We offer rolling admissions, and there’s no better time to start than right now! Reach out to our Director of Admissions, Amy Piehl, at today or fill out the contact form on our website. Let’s talk! 

For those in range of our new extension site, Word of Life Church, in Springfield, VA, we have one in-person hybrid course scheduled for the summer so far – 

Summer A – BIB150 Hermeneutics I

Summer Course

Did you see we announced a new Digital Ministries certificate program and concentration track launching in the fall? Check it out here: 

Don’t forget! The summer semester is a great time to knock out required practicums. Log those hands-on ministry service hours and receive Spirit-filled mentorship and practical real-time support as you continue to develop as a ministry leader.

SUMMER A TERM (begins on Wednesday, May 1 and Ends on Tuesday, June 25 )

BIB150 Hermeneutics I *Hybrid Course – Word of Life Extension Site*
BIB313 Pauline Epistles
COM201 Church Communications
ENG105 Academic Writing and Critical Research
GEN401 Senior Seminar and Career Preparedness
LAN201 Intro to New Testament Greek *Mandatory Virtual Meeting Requirement*
MAT115 Elements of Mathematics
MIN103 Spiritual Formation I
MIN212 Personal Christian Ethics
MIN465 Accessibility and Inclusivity for Children and Youth with Disabilities
MIS303 Cross-Cultural Anthropology
PRA100 Practicum I
PRA200 Practicum II
PRA304 Practicum III
PRA306 Practicum IV
PRA401 Practicum V
PRA402 Practicum VI
THE212 Theology I: Spirit-Empowered Theology

SUMMER  B TERM (begins on Wednesday, June 26 and Ends on Tuesday, August 20)

BIB110 New Testament Survey
BIB150 Hermeneutics I *Mandatory Virtual Meeting Requirement*
BIB215 Luke and Acts
COM101 Speech Communication
GEN102 Orientation and Library Resources
HUM301 Contemporary Moral Issues
MIN104 Spiritual Formation II
MIN112 Relational Outreach and Personal Evangelism
MIN245 Principles of Christian Leadership Development
MIS220 The Biblical and Theological Basis for Missions and Contemporary Issues
SOC400 Marriage and Family

*Summer schedules are subject to change due to a variety of circumstances and may not be updated here. Please communicate directly with Academic Advisors to explore more detailed and up-to-date information.