Are you listening to the sound of torrential rain pounding on your roof? Peering out through frosty windows as a frigid wind blows? Shoveling a snowy driveway for the millionth time? Us, too. And yet, it’s already time to look ahead to the next semester and get you registered for summer courses! Our summer course offering is stacked with many of our favorite core classes. It’s a great opportunity to power through general education and general ministry degree requirements. For those looking for a lighter summer load, consider logging your volunteer service hours at your local church to complete a ministry practicum. 

Considering joining Ascent College for the first time? We offer rolling admissions, and there’s no better time to start than right now! Reach out to our Director of Admissions, Amy Barney, at today or kickstart your application here. Not sure which program is right for you? Let’s talk! You can also explore many of our degree plans right here. There’s something for everyone! 

SUMMER A TERM (begins Wednesday, May 7 and Ends on Tuesday, July 1)

BIB105 Old Testament Survey
BIB313 Pauline Epistles
COM101 Speech Communication
ENG101 Grammar and Composition
ENG105 Academic Writing and Critical Research
GEN102 Orientation and Library Resources
GEN401 Senior Seminar and Career Preparedness
MIN220 Homiletics
MIN245 Principles of Christian Leadership Development
MIN264 Apologetics
SCI101 Life Science
SOC400 Marriage and Family
THE212 Theology I: Spirit-Empowered Theology
THE230 Eschatology
WOR211 Technology for Worship I: Music Production

*16-week worship team and ministry practicums will be offered as needed throughout the Summer A and Summer B terms. Please review your degree plan with your Academic Advisor to identify outstanding requirements.  

SUMMER B TERM (begins Wednesday, July 2 and ends Tuesday, August 22)

BIB150 Hermeneutics I
BIB215 Luke and Acts
GEN102 Orientation and Library Resources
HIS220 History of the Christian Church
MIN103 Spiritual Formation I
MIN275 Non-Profit Financial Management
MIS220 The Theological Basis for Missions and Contemporary Issues
MIS303 Cross-Cultural Anthropology
THE301 Theology II: Word and Doctrine
WOR302 The Role of the Arts in Worship

Did you see we announced a new Pastoral Counseling certificate program beginning this Fall? Check it out here:

*Summer schedules are subject to change due to a variety of circumstances and may not be updated here. Please communicate directly with Academic Advisors to explore more detailed and up-to-date information.