A Look at:

  • Graduation Rates
  • Retention Rates
  • Graduates in Volunteer or Full-time Ministry or Pursuing Additional Degrees
  • Student Satisfaction Rates
  • Annual Research Report AY 2017-2018 (included institutional outcomes and student learning outcomes: Click here)
  • Annual Research Report AY 2018-2019 (included institutional outcomes and student learning outcomes: Click here)
  • Annual Research Report AY 2019-2020 (note: due to COVID no annual assessment report was completed)
  • Annual Research Report AY 2020-2021 (included institutional outcomes and student learning outcomes: Click here)
  • Annual Research Report AY 2021-2022 (included institutional outcomes and student learning outcomes: Click here)


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Graduation Rates

Year Percentage # Students Graduating #Students Cohort
2018 66% 4 6
2019 100% 1 1
2020 50% 2 4
2021 100% 1 1
2022 17% 1 6
Average 50% 9 18

Note: Includes first-time, full-time bachelor students who started 6 years ago (150%) minus Transfer Out



Retention Rate

Year Percentage # Students in Population
2018 85% 39
2019 79% 31
2020 86% 35
2021 76% 61
2022 76% 42
Average 80%

Note: Students returning from the previous Fall Enrollment minus Graduated and Transferred Out


Year Percentage #Students Population
2018 81% 11
2019 83% 6
2020 71% 9
2021 100% 1
2022 80% 6

Graduates in Ministry (Volunteer or Full-time) or Pursuing Additional Education


Congratulations! Goal achieved.

Student Satisfaction

2018 Ascent College National Average
Concern for Individual 6.3 5.7
Student Centeredness 6.2 5.8
Instructional Effectiveness 6 5.7
Service Excellence 6.2 5.7

Note: Data from the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey; Students in Total Population 39; Number of students responding 17; Response Rate 44%

Note: No data was collected for the academic year 2018-2019 because the three previous years demonstrated student satisfaction above the national average.

Note: No data was collected for the academic years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 because of the COVID19 pandemic.  The college will administer the survey in the spring of 2022.



Student Satisfaction

2022 Ascent College National Average
Concern for Individual 6.67 5.96
Student Centeredness 6.7 5.94
Instructional Effectiveness 6.51 5.92
Service Excellence 6.49 5.82

Note: Data from the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey; Students in Total Population 67; Number of students responding 25; Response Rate 37%



Congratulations! Goal achieved.

Meet Jeremy

a day in the life of an Ascent College student

Attend a class.

Read a book.

Draft a paper.

Go to work for four hours.

Design the entirety of a church service in two weeks. Plan community outreach strategies with the lead pastor.

Oh, and assist an elder with leading a grief counseling group!

Jeremy took another sip of fresh coffee then noted his top tasks for today in his favorite calendar app on his phone. He flipped up the screen on his laptop and took a deep breath as his mind was challenged with thoughts of all to be done. It very easily could have felt overwhelming. Yet, the purpose of each task was clear and eternal. He took a moment to whisper a quick prayer of thanks for the unique, opportunities in ministry that awaited him through the hours ahead.

As is the case for most college students, Jeremy's day today is rather busy with coursework. Yet, his academic studies will be punctuated by learning experiences that will take him beyond the bounds of book covers and classroom walls. Jeremy will get to witness the realities of ministry leadership and actively participate in applying his learning to real-world. circumstances.

Jeremy is a student at Ascent College and is pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Church Ministries with a concentration in Christian Counseling. He has never stepped foot in a classroom nor met one of his professors in-person. Nonetheless, every day his education is very real and immersive as his enrollment at Ascent College has him embedded among the staff of a loving, supportive church host community.


Dr. Rob Rhoden

President of Ascent College


Ms. Amy Piehl

M.T. , Director of Admissions


Ms. Victoria Davis

Student Services, Assistant Registrar

BA Church Ministries


Rev. Kevin Willis

M. S., M. A.,  Ascent Chaplain


Ms. Katy Calabrese

B. A. B. A., Student Advising


Ms. Vanessa Willis

Director of Compliance

B. S. B. A., 


Dr. Ron DeBerry

Director of Library Services

MLS, MDiv, DMin


Dr. Anna Morgan

Vice-President of Academics


Ms. Sonji Thee

M.Ed.,  Director of Student Services, Registrar


Dr. Don Kammer

Director of Institutional Effectiveness

MDiv, PhD


Learn More About Ascent College

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We are visiting churches, schools, and college fairs all over the Mid-Atlantic region. Come say hello.


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Our college and career advisors can review your options at Ascent, answer questions, and share program details.



Ascent College began as a pilot program at Bethel College in Hampton, VA.




Your Moment Is Now!


Head Office

PO Box 690, Gainesville, VA 20156

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Ascent College admits students of any race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, handicap, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other school-administered programs.