Christian Counseling Concentration

Bachelor’s Degree Program

Choose a Focus

  • Focus in Psychology
  • Focus in Pastoral Ministry

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Graduates in the Christian Counseling Concentration with a Focus in Psychology will be able to:

Demonstrate competence in the basic terminology and concepts of psychology and counseling.

Analyze developmental psychological patterns.

Analyze behaviors against personality theories.

Communicate effectively using appropriate research style and methods.

Describe human deveolpment.

Articulate the Biblical and theological basis of Christian Counseling.

Perform pastoral care functions at the introductory level.

Develop mentorship relationships with psychology practitioners.


Course General Education 42 CR
GEN 102 Orientation & Library Resources 0
ENG 101 Grammar & Composition 3
ENG 102 Composition & Literature 3
ENG 105 Academic Writing & Critical Research 3
MAT 115 Elements of Mathematics 3
SCI 101 Life Science 3
HIS 220 History of the Christian Church 3
PSY 220 Intro to Psychology & Christian Counseling 3
COM 101 Speech Communications 3
COM 201 Social Media and Digital Discipleship 3
HUM 301 Contemporary Moral Issues 3
SOC 400 Marriage & Family 3
MIN 275 Non-Profit Financial Management 3
MIS 303 Cross-Cultural Anthropology 3
LAN 201 Intro to Biblical Languages (Greek & Hebrew) 3
GEN 401 Senior Seminar & Career Preparedness 0
Course General Bible/Ministry 42 CR
BIB 105 Old Testament Survey 3
BIB 110 New Testament Survey 3
BIB 150 Hermeneutics I 3
BIB 215 Luke and Acts 3
BIB 313 Pauline Epistles 2
BIB 400 Bible Review III 0
MIN 101 Spiritual Formation I 3
MIN 104 Spiritual Formation II 3
MIN 112 Relational Outreach & Personal Evangelism 3
MIN 212 Personal Christian Ethics 3
MIN 245 Principles of Christian Leadership Development 3
THE 212 Theology I: Spirit-Empowered Theology 3
THE 230 Eschatology 3
THE 301 Theology II: Word and Doctrine 3
MIS 220 The Biblical & Theological Basis for Missions 3
Course Christian Counseling with a Focus in Psychology  36 CR
PSY 205 Social Psychology and Cultural Issues in Counseling 3
PSY 310 Lifespan Development 3
PSY 341 Psychology of Personality 3
PSY 354 Statistics for the Social Sciences 3
PSY 355 Introduction to Research Methods 3
PSY 371 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy 3
PSY 430 Abnormal Psychology 3
PRA 101 Psychology Practicum I 3
PRA 201 Psychology Practicum II 3
Elective from Pastoral Ministry Focus I 3
Elective from Pastoral Ministry Focus II 3
Elective from Pastoral Ministry Focus III 3

*Practicums are 16-week courses and require 8 hours a week serving in the church.

Graduates in the Christian Counseling Concentration with a Focus on Pastoral Ministry will be able to:

Demonstrate competence in the basic terminology and concepts of psychology and counseling.

Analyze cultural and social issues in pastoral care.

Articulate the Biblical and theological basis of Christian Counseling.

Guide others through conflict resolutions.

Describe and recognize trauma responses.

Provide support and describe the grieving process.

Perform pastoral care functions at the introductory level.

Develop mentorship relationships with local church ministry practitioners.


Course General Education 42 CR
GEN 102 Orientation & Library Resources 0
ENG 101 Grammar & Composition 3
ENG 102 Composition & Literature 3
ENG 105 Academic Writing & Critical Research 3
MAT 115 Elements of Mathematics 3
SCI 101 Life Science 3
HIS 220 History of the Christian Church 3
PSY 220 Intro to Psychology & Christian Counseling 3
COM 101 Speech Communications 3
COM 201 Social Media and Digital Discipleship 3
HUM 301 Contemporary Moral Issues 3
SOC 400 Marriage & Family 3
MIN 275 Non-Profit Financial Management 3
MIS 303 Cross-Cultural Anthropology 3
LAN 201 Intro to Biblical Languages (Greek & Hebrew) 3
GEN 401 Senior Seminar & Career Preparedness 0
Course General Bible/Ministry 42 CR
BIB 105 Old Testament Survey 3
BIB 110 New Testament Survey 3
BIB 150 Hermeneutics I 3
BIB 215 Luke and Acts 3
BIB 313 Pauline Epistles 2
BIB 400 Bible Review III 0
MIN 101 Spiritual Formation I 3
MIN 104 Spiritual Formation II 3
MIN 112 Relational Outreach & Personal Evangelism 3
MIN 212 Personal Christian Ethics 3
MIN 245 Principles of Christian Leadership Development 3
THE 212 Theology I: Spirit-Empowered Theology 3
THE 230 Eschatology 3
THE 301 Theology II: Word and Doctrine 3
MIS 220 The Biblical & Theological Basis for Missions 3
Course Christian Counseling with a Focus in Pastoral Ministry Courses  36 CR
COUN 203 Issues in  Christian Counseling 3
COUN 303 Christian Counseling for Marriage & Family 3
PSY 205 Social Psychology & Cultural Issues in Counseling 3
COUN 350 Grief and Trauma Counseling  3
COUN 400 Conflict Resolution Counseling 3
PSY 371 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy 3
PRA 102  Counseling Practicum I 3
PRA 202 Counseling Practicum II 3
Elective from Psychology Focus I 3
Elective from Psychology Focus II 3
Elective from Psychology Focus III 3
Elective from Psychology Focus IV 3
Elective from Psychology Focus V 3

Statement on Transferability of Credits and Degrees 

Students should be aware that transfer of credits to other institutions is solely at the discretion of the receiving institution.  Students who are considering attending Ascent College and then transferring to another college should contact the receiving institution for its policy on accepting credits from another institution.

Credits earned under the Associate degree offered at Ascent College are not considered credits under a terminal degree and these credits may be transferred to institutions toward a Bachelor degree at the discretion of the receiving institution.  Ascent College takes all credits earned at Ascent College from the Associate degree and applies them toward the Bachelor degree as long as the credits are compatible with the Bachelor degree plan selected.

Ascent College transfers in credit from other colleges in accordance with our Credit Policy.

Statement on Placement Services

Our college office receives many opportunities for various full-time or part-time ministry positions and will assist students in obtaining an interview with employing personnel. No guarantee for placement may be made; however, Ascent College does maintain contact with various denominational offices and may assist students with placement in ministry occupations.

Please note: This program does not meet the requirements for a Virginia professional counseling license.

Bachelor’s Concentration Options

Biblical Studies Concentration

Designed to prepare the student for teaching positions in the biblical/theological fields in a church ministry and for further graduate studies in biblical/theological fields.

Intercultural Studies Concentration

Designed to prepare the student for a career on the mission field.

Worship and Worshipping Arts Concentration

Designed to prepare the student for a leadership position in the area of worship in a church ministry.

Christian Counseling Concentration

Designed to prepare the student for advanced studies in the Christian Counseling field or for pastoral care positions.

Head Office

PO Box 690, Gainesville, VA 20156

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Ascent College admits students of any race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, handicap, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other school-administered programs.