Yes, we know it feels like summer has just begun. And we also know you’re chomping at the bit to see Ascent College’s amazing 2023 Fall course offering!
We’ve mapped out the Fall lineup below. So many incredible professors to choose from!
We have several new course offerings, including COUN350 Grief and Trauma Counseling with Dr. Valerie Rance, which will focus on skills training for dealing with trauma, death, grief, and loss through a biblical worldview. Pastor Brian Biondi will join us to lead WOR211 Technology for Worship I: Music Production, which will offer training and application to enhance the production of creative worship settings utilizing midi, click tracks, in-ear monitors, and music production, recording, and playback software. We’re excited for Professor Mark Freeman to teach MIN322 Understanding Adolescent Culture, which will teach students to be savvy about technology and social media and how to address mental and emotional health matters for adolescents. Youth workers lead in a post-truth world, and we must know how to exegete culture and use God’s truth to address it.

If you’re a current Ascent student, you’ll be hearing from your academic advisor soon to coordinate your Fall plans. Not an Ascent student YET? (See what we did there?) We would love to talk to you and explore the application process together. Fill out our contact form, and we’ll be in touch. We can’t wait to meet you!
FALL TERM A (Begins Wednesday, August 23 and Ends on Tuesday, October 17)
ENG100 Fundamentals of English (Professor Jenell Sanford)
GEN102 Orientation and Library Resources (Dr. Ron DeBerry)
LAN201 Intro to New Testament Greek (Dr. Lyle Story)
COM201 Church Communications (Rev. Adrian Schoonmaker)
ENG101 Grammar and Composition (Professor Jenell Sanford)
MIS303 Cross-Cultural Anthropology (Dr. Diane McGehee)
SOC400 Marriage and Family (Professor Luisa Castro)
HIS220 Church History (Dr. Don Kammer)
MIN212 Personal Christian Ethics (Rev. Kevin Willis)
MIN103 Spiritual Formation I (Dr. Stephanie Nance)
BIB150 Hermeneutics I (Dr. Doug Chapman)
THE212 Theology I: Spirit-Empowered Theology (Dr. Todd Korpi)
THE301 Theology II: Word and Doctrine (Professor Martin Monacell)
BIB105 Old Testament Survey (Dr. Margo Rees)
MIN412 Youth Ministry in the Local Church (Rev. Mark Freeman) *NEW COURSE ALERT*
COUN350 Grief and Trauma Counseling (Dr. Valerie Rance) *NEW COURSE ALERT*
PSY351 Developmental Theory for Children (Professor LaDawn Emery) *NEW COURSE ALERT*
MIN362 Church and Law (Rev. Gary Butler)
THE406 Pastoral Theology (Rev. Mark Morrow)
BIB304 Old Testament Poetic Literature (Dr. Taehyun Lee)
WOR211 Technology for Worship I: Music Production (Rev. Brian Biondo) *NEW COURSE ALERT*
MIN250 Intro to Children’s Ministry (Dr. Jesse Joyner)
MIN242 Collective Journey: Leadership Health for Next-Gen Female Leaders (Rev. Lisa Potter)

FALL TERM B (Begins Wednesday, October 18 and Ends on Tuesday, December 12)
ENG102 Composition and Literature (Professor Jenell Sanford)
SCI101 Life Science (Dr. Karina Negron)
COM101 Speech Communications (Rev. Adrian Schoonmaker)
GEN401 Senior Seminar and Career Preparedness (Dr. Ron DeBerry)
ENG105 Academic Writing and Critical Research (Dr. Ron DeBerry)
HUM301 Contemporary Moral Issues (Dr. Jacob Al Hassan)
MAT115 Elements of Mathematics (Dr. Karina Negron)
THE230 Eschatology (Dr. Taehyun Lee)
MIS220 The Biblical and Theological Basis for Missions and Contemporary Issues (Dr. Todd Korpi)
MIN104 Spiritual Formation II (Dr. Stephanie Nance)
MIN245 Principles of Christian Leadership Development (Rev. Gary Butler)
BIB215 Luke and Acts (Dr. Lyle Story)
BIB110 New Testament Survey (Dr. Russell Joyner)
MIN243 Communicating for Transformation (Dr. Kristi Lemley)
MIN356 Teaching and Learning for Children (Dr. Jesse Joyner)
MIN450 Intergenerational Ministry (Dr. Jesse Joyner) *NEW COURSE ALERT*
THE401 Theology III: History of Christian Theology (Professor Martin Monacell)
PSY430 Abnormal Psychology (Professor Luisa Castro) *NEW COURSE ALERT*
MIN264 Apologetics (Rev. Ben Rothwell)
MIN220 Homiletics (Rev. Mark Morrow) *NEW COURSE ALERT*
MIN322 Understanding Adolescent Culture (Rev. Mark Freeman) *NEW COURSE ALERT*
WOR312 Leading a Worship Ministry (Rev. Karen Clark)
Amazing, right?! Remember, Ascent College has rolling admissions, so if the Spirit is nudging that #yourmomentisnow, we are standing by and ready to help you take that first step. All are welcome! All ages and all walks of life, working parents, ministry leaders, lifelong learners…we believe in God’s call on your life. Let’s do this!