Beauty for Ashes: Autumn Haren

Beauty for Ashes: Autumn Haren

Please enjoy this redemption story and testimonial shared by Ascent College student Autumn Haren, who is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Leadership with a concentration in Christian Counseling, focusing in Psychology.  Ascent College has been...
Back to School: Ascent College FAQs

Back to School: Ascent College FAQs

So you’re thinking about going back to school. Exciting!!! And likely a bit scary. If you’re like many of our other Ascent College students, you may have never attended an online college, or maybe it’s been many years since you were last in an academic setting. You...
2023 Fall Course Offering Announced

2023 Fall Course Offering Announced

Yes, we know it feels like summer has just begun. And we also know you’re chomping at the bit to see Ascent College’s amazing 2023 Fall course offering! We’ve mapped out the Fall lineup below. So many incredible professors to choose from! We have...